Bug Images disappeared

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Hi Matt,
please can you check the why after some days that an item is loaded all the images in the body of the review disappear?

Look here:
Hi Matt, no... I don't think so...
All the images in the forum are visualized good.
Is there some settings where I can check??
Is a really strange thing and I really don't know what to do...
Does it happen with new entries? There's nothing in the mod that is designed to clear out images, we integrate with the way vB holds and stores the images for the most part.
Yes. This succeed with all classifieds, also if aren't edited...

Sorry Matt, but in this way, with all these bugs... is really impossible to use this plugin.
Last edited:
Yes. This succeed with all classifieds, also if aren't edited...

Sorry Matt, but in this way, with all these bugs... is really impossible to use this plugin.

This is the first notice of this bug and no one else seems to have run into the issue up until now. Just to clarify, you are saying it happens regardless of whether it's edited or not? Edited or unedited listings?

Have you changed any settings about images away from the default, that includes anything within vBulletin. I'll do some more tests today on my dev server, but so far I don't have a clue why you are experiencing something that no one else has reported.

I'll ask Fillip H. if he has any ideas on what might be causing it.
Yes Matt I'm not sure if it comes with edited post or not, I only know that all the classifieds added in the plugin, are become without images inside.
Let's see if your test bring something good.
It don't succeed immediately, but quite sure, the day after.
Marko, can you send some Admin access details to Fillip H. as we think we might have an idea what's causing the issue. Possibly a SEO conflict. :)
This is working as intended. The listing you are showing has attachments from another piece of content (it's not the same attachments as were added to the listing itself). vBulletin does not allow inline images via the
Fillip H. Mokonzi
Sorry but if the plugin let you decide to add the images inline obvious that the users will do it.
And also if the first day you add the images are visualized I don't know why the day after are not.
In the end guys I have disbled this plugin from my forums because is really full of bugs.
I have just open the plugin and I have only one vendor without any customers (thanking the God) and I just had to open here 30 ticket to resolve many problems.
And each 5 minutes come another issue with the plugin and right now nothing work...
Imagine that the last articles added are placed down the listing and not up and the box to set this order nothing work.
Nothing a cart system is there...

So like this it is really unusable...
Fillip H. Mokonzi
Sorry but if the plugin let you decide to add the images inline obvious that the users will do it.
And also if the first day you add the images are visualized I don't know why the day after are not.
In the end guys I have disbled this plugin from my forums because is really full of bugs.
I have just open the plugin and I have only one vendor without any customers (thanking the God) and I just had to open here 30 ticket to resolve many problems.
And each 5 minutes come another issue with the plugin and right now nothing work...
Imagine that the last articles added are placed down the listing and not up and the box to set this order nothing work.
Nothing a cart system is there...

So like this it is really unusable...

I'm sorry to hear this marko. We've worked on everything you've raised, and many of which were not even features listed in the project. We're working on some of the suggestions you've put forward.

A cart system was never mentioned, and the listing ordering is working as designed, there is no current setting that does what you expected as we explained in another thread.

Regarding the inline images, the ability to add inline images is for the images listed. Images can be linked from other sources. This is exactly how the normal forum posting rules for images works. It does look interesting that you have had users who want to use other images from elsewhere in the forum, and maybe this is something we can look at finding a way to adapt properly so that your user's can have a way of doing what they are obviously trying to do. :)
Hello markoroots,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Not A Bug.

We hope your issue or question has been addressed to your satisfaction. If not, please feel free to re-open it by clicking this link.

If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket via the button at the top of every page.

Thank you!
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Legacy DragonByte Classifieds

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