Bug Full Guest Cache Interferes with Browser Detection (Mobile/MSIE) Add On (Redis)

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So i tried to use Redis, and only activates Guest Full Page Caching & Cache Registry.

I also use this add on :
Browser Detection (Mobile/MSIE) | XenForo Community

I use that add on to use if-else in my template, so that desktop users will have different part of the UI than mobile users.

But after i let the Guest Full Page Caching to run for about 5 minutes, when i checked from my computer as guest, i get the mobile cached version.

Thank you.
Ok i've found solution :D


Before these lines
// sort array

Add :
//Check if mobile
if( class_exists('Sedo_DetectBrowser_Listener_Visitor') && isset($visitor->getBrowser['isMobile']))
	//External Addon
	$isMobile = $visitor->getBrowser['isMobile'];
	$isMobile =  XenForo_Visitor::isBrowsingWith('mobile');

$key['isMobile'] = intval($isMobile);

I hope this can be included into your addon's FAQ in XF site, so other users can use this modification too ;)
I'm honestly quite shocked the developer of that modification did not just integrate into the $visitor->isBrowsingWith() function, that's really bad form. Regardless, I can add a workaround.
I actually have been running into this as well.

Do you run into any issues with the [bd]Widgets as well?
I used [bd] Widgets too.
But i set all widgets cache to long TTL, and my DBT Optimise Guest Cache TTL is long too.

So i have not noticed if there are any issues in [bd] Widgets. :)

UPDATE : when i choose memcached as operator, i have this error :
ErrorException: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given - library/WidgetFramework/Model/Cache.php:50
Generated By: Unknown Account, 5 menit lalu

But i also activated lot of things in DBT Optimise (Cache guest, forum, nodes, post, etc), so maybe one of those options triggers the error on Widget Framework.
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Yup, so you are able to recreate it. I would love to switch to redis, but I don't believe we can do that at this time...so memcache is the only one we can use.
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Legacy DragonByte Optimise

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