Forum Live Feed & User Wall v1.2.2

Fillip H.

Staff member
Hey all,

SURPRISE START-OF-WEEK RELEASE! Well okay, maybe the title kinda ruined the surprise. But you can pretend to be surprised, can't you?

Due to an overwhelming number of requests we got for the ability to delete Status updates posted with this mod, as well as a Profile tab, we decided to add these features and bring them to you A.S.A.P. :)

So without further ado:

Forum Live Feed & User Wall v1.2.2:
Feature: Status updates can now be deleted
Feature: Added profile tab for user walls (does not automatically update, but contains links to the full "live" user wall). This tab can be turned off via a setting in vBulletin Options.
Change: (Pro) Ensured that guests can never delete comments, regardless of usergroup permissions

For the same reason as edited posts, blogs etc don't update on the wall, deleted status updates won't vanish from other peoples' walls until they reload the page / it vanishes off their feed naturally.
This is to preserve resources and cannot be changed at this time.

Thank you for your continued support :)

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