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Kirk Voclain

I've been using this for some time now.....and everyone one of my users...almost 2000 LOVE IT....but without exception they all ask why does the email that they are sent when someone "MENTIONS" them or "TAGS" them does not contain a link to the THREAD/POST where they were Mentioned or Tagged.

Seems like a no brainer to me.....


I realize that the link brings them to the PROFILE page...and the tab....but my forum has several skins....most of with are DARK....and in the profile area...the TAGGING and MENTIONS tab are dark letters on a dark background...and basically make the link USELESS.....why not just provide a link to the thread or the post.....??????

Kirk Voclain
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We'll take it into consideration for future versions :)

I appreciate that....my users are NOW...starting to ask me for the same thing....got these today:

Kirk, why don't you make a link to the thread where I'm tagged in, seems useless with out it..... Joe Schulz

Hey why are all those taggy things in my profile not linked to the posts? You give me the name of the post but that does me no good, i want to go respond, can me make it clickable?..... John Willimas

Just figured I would show you why I asked for it.....because they are asking me for it.

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