Downloads Pro Add-on Query :)


Hey again guys! I just purchased the Pro package for the Downloads add-on and I'm really impressed by it so far :)

I just had a quick suggestion in terms of functionality for the screenshots and thumbnail uploader. I noticed that its not currently possible to re-arrange or remove screenshots once they have been added to a file which would be usefull. I also feel that the screenshot and thumbnail uploader isn't very user friendly aesthetically speaking :)

Therefore, I'd suggest that the screenshots and thumbnail forms should be included as part of the "Edit File" page. I feel it would be a lot easier to manage all aspects of a file from a single location :)

Also, it would be great to have a screenshot upload form similar to the file uploader where you can select multiple files at once, rather than having a separate upload field for each one :)

Just a suggestion though! No worries if you have other plans for it :)

Thanks for reading
Hey again guys! I just purchased the Pro package for the Downloads add-on and I'm really impressed by it so far :)

I just had a quick suggestion in terms of functionality for the screenshots and thumbnail uploader. I noticed that its not currently possible to re-arrange or remove screenshots once they have been added to a file which would be usefull. I also feel that the screenshot and thumbnail uploader isn't very user friendly aesthetically speaking :)

Therefore, I'd suggest that the screenshots and thumbnail forms should be included as part of the "Edit File" page. I feel it would be a lot easier to manage all aspects of a file from a single location :)

Also, it would be great to have a screenshot upload form similar to the file uploader where you can select multiple files at once, rather than having a separate upload field for each one :)

Just a suggestion though! No worries if you have other plans for it :)

Thanks for reading
Hey Cloudwolf :)

There is one main reason why I decided to have the thumbnail/screenshot uploader is in a separate area and that is because we didn't want to have the script uploading so many files at once. Some users use vBDownloads for uploading rather large files and requiring them to upload so many files from the one area didn't seem like the right thing to do! Having said that however, I should ajaxify the uploading of screenshots in future :)

As far as deleting screenshots is concerned, you should be able to remove them from the Edit File page. Files marked with ** are screenshots :) I hope this answers your questions!
Aha! Your absolutely right :) I feel rather silly now ;)

Either way, would be awesome if we could adjust the order of the screenshots, but no worries if you have other plans :)