Question Donation Bar with shout

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I am not sure if this is within setting or not of shoutbox or vbdonate but is it possible to have the ability to have the donation bar display within shout box i.e below shout options as one one area rather than have both showing as separate areas? I use both but be cleaner an use up less space if i was able to or it was an option in vbdonate later or even if i can do it with advice manually. Add a quick idea of what i mean in in image below

It's not possible at the moment... but I can take a look at it when we next run an update for vBDonate to see if it's doable. :)
Appreciate it, to have panels, shout and the donate bar seperate take up lots of space if used at top an away of combing them all or options to place would be a great option.

thanks again
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Legacy vBDonate

vBulletin 4.x.x
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