Display version numbers on customer area page


On this page: https://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/vbecommerce.php?do=members

It'd be nice to list the latest version number for each product a person has. Would make it much easier to get the version and compare them to your own product installed list on your forum. I know there's been talk about doing the version check, etc... but honestly... I don't care as much about it as just being able to quickly see what's out of date. Either way is good, but I think this should be there for once reason...

Whenever I submit a bug report, I can never remember what version of the product I have. So I have to go into the AdminCP, find it, then come back and add it. Would be nice if I could just hit the customer area in a new window, scroll, done. =)
Currently, the download log does not store what version number you downloaded, only the date. While it'd be possible to guess the latest possible version based on date, it's not entirely accurate since it's not a guarantee it's the latest version they were downloading.

I'll create the logging of version numbers just now, so that when the rest of the feature is implemented it should have some data rather than just N/A.
Update: As it turned out, the data was already available after all.

I've implemented this feature into the Customer Area now.
Wow.. Very nice.. Just checked it out. That makes it a lot easier for those that have a good bit of the products here.. Thank you very much...