Legacy Disable the Option to go Invisible.

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Is there a way to disable the ability for users to go invisible? When you turn invisible, you can still chat and what not but just not appear in the Active Users list. I'd like to disable that, if you chat in the chatbox , you'll appear in the active users no matter what.
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We'll take it into consideration, for the time being you can edit the option out of the dbtech_vbshout_shoutcontrols template :)
We'll take it into consideration, for the time being you can edit the option out of the dbtech_vbshout_shoutcontrols template :)

Awesome. Anyone who was set to invisible will stay that way then though... Correct? Thank you
That's correct, though you can run UPDATE user SET dbtech_vbshout_invisiblesettings = NULL to reset those settings. Remember to add your table prefix if you use one.
That's correct, though you can run UPDATE user SET dbtech_vbshout_invisiblesettings = NULL to reset those settings. Remember to add your table prefix if you use one.

Ok i'll give it a shot editing the template.. I don't like messing with those since I don't understand them fully. Thank you!
Was just looking around to see if this could be done already. Thanks for the code edit in the meantime. :)

+1 on interest in the ability to disable "invisible mode". If it could be managed on a per-usergroup basis, that'd be ideal.
This will be implemented in the next version, currently scheduled to be released on Monday :)
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