Legacy Custom Prize Option

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Would it be possible to have a option for a custom prize? so for example where you select what prize you want to pay out IE Points or Credits, could we have an option in there for custom and then fill in what the prize is in the box below?
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I have the same problem. I need to offer a prize and not points. I like Raffles and disappointed I can't get it to work on my site. I've purchased 15 Mods from DBT. Is there no workaround for it? Is it possible to pay someone to tweak it? I am not a programmer.

For the time being, you can select the No Payout option and use the description field to notify people what each prize is :)
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Legacy DragonByte Raffles

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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