Legacy Add "File Name" as a Search Option

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It would be nice to have an option to include the file names in the search function.

I think I'm done posting for awhile thanks again for all the quick responses. I've continually found DBTech support to be exceptional.
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It would be nice to have an option to include the file names in the search function.
Here I thought I had pre-empted people's requests by adding Author search... CURSES, FOILED AGAIN! :p

I think I'm done posting for awhile thanks again for all the quick responses. I've continually found DBTech support to be exceptional.
Haha, thanks :D

To be honest, what frustrates me is not people posting a bunch of suggestions / tweaks they want, it's that when someone cares that much about the product - to take the time out of their day to bring us their ideas to make it better for everyone - I can't immediately get to work on it :(

Related: Know any good cloning facilities? :p
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