Bug Activity Contests Does not Start

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Activity Contests Does not Start Automatically,My Recurring Contest is Monthly but does not start when Contests ended.please check and fix on this issue.
That's not how recurring contests work.

If you set a contest to recur monthly, it will wait one month before it starts again, and it will last as long as your original contest lasted.
Daily = Create a new contest the day after this contest ended
Weekly = Create a new contest a week after this contest ended
Monthly = Create a new contest a month after this contest ended
Yearly = Create a new contest a year after this contest ended

(Monthly) Activity Contests Automatically created on every month?
The key is in the language, after the contest ended. Meaning if a contest is set to recur Monthly, it will create a new contest 1 month after the contest ended.

For instance, if you set up a contest to run from 1 Aug - 7 Aug, it would create a new contest on 7 Aug that lasts another week, etc.

I can change this behaviour to work off of "after the contest started" instead, would that work for you?
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So its not work Cycle?Create Rotating Activity Contests (Automatically created Activity Contests for every month)?

Recently Contest Ended July 31 ,Recurring Contest is Monthly,But why Does not Start Automatically for this month when Contest Ended?

Ex:(Automatically created Activity Contests for every month)

This Month

Contest Start: August 1
Contest End: August 31

Next Month:

Contest Start: September 1
Contest End: September 30

And Will continue for every month !

Unfortunately that's never going to be possible with automated contests. Not every month is identical, so if you set a contest to last from, say August 1 to August 31, it's going to last for 31 days every time.

Similar if you set them to last 30 days, it will mess up during the month of February.

We will re-examine if there's any improvements to be made to the recurring contests system in a future version, meanwhile I will log this in our issue tracker so that it will not be forgotten :)
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