
  1. Drahnier

    MySQL connections with plugins

    not sure this is the right area but there is no area to ask about plugins in general or issues when running multiple plugins I've recently been having trouble with having too many MySQL connections on my server and i was wondering which plugins make MySQL connections and how often and how long...
  2. Drahnier

    Bug error 500

    installed the lite version on my newly started forums right now, looking at the shoutbox it displays "Error: 500 error" when I try to look at the shoutbox tabs in AdminCP they are blank have I installed this wrong? if so what did I do wrong or is this some other issue? would appreciate a...
  3. J

    Bug Instance management changes not saved

    Whenever I try to change anything on this page (AdminCP-DBtech vbShout-Instance Management) NOTHING I do is saved. All changes are reported as saved but they are not. I CAN use the quick permissions setup and those changes WILL change. I've tried clearing the cache and the xCache via...
  4. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug DBTech - vBMail

    I just got the mail from my forums a month after I sent them (07-04-2012 recieved it 08-01-2012)... Any ideas what would cause that? I am using DBTech - vBMail 1.1.6 I am hosted on GoDaddy... Just wondering if it was there end causing it... I am guessing it is a combination of things?
  5. J

    Bug MySQL Error

    Let me apologize in advance for this LONG post, but I really need assistance. Whenever I install this product or the vbSignatures mod, I get the following MySQL error. I'm sorry it is so long. I realize that the reason for the error is "MySQL server has gone away", but it hasn't. I have full...
  6. F

    Question New avatars doesn't save after i purchase the parts

    Hi guys, I already put new parts and i could see all of them, i purchased them, weared them, but when i press save nothing happens. If you want to check you have my info already Regards
  7. Robert Morrison

    Question Moved VPS, Scores not working now

    We moved from bluehost.com to a VPS to increase our speeds and found an issue where now the vbarcade scores do not submit. The games will either lock up when they try or they show a quick preview of the content.php inside the game area and then the game will appear again. The only thing I've...
  8. IcEWoLF

    Picture error

    I am currently having some issues when I click on an image I uploaded. I keep getting server error for some reason. I double checked my sever settings and they work fine. The files seems to be there:
  9. Michael Buchanan

    Bug eAccelerator Issue

    I am encountering an issue with eAccelerator. My hosting provider has eAccelerator enabled (verified in phpinfo) but I am receiving the error below when I try to select eAccelerator from the list of 'Opcache Operators'. Is there anything that needs to be done to get this working? This is what my...
  10. Nirjonadda

    Question AJAX Threads To Make High Server Load

    Hello I really like AJAX Threads,I have disabled AJAX Threads for high server load cpu usage,I've seen it cause high loads on servers, cause PHP violations, fail to load on all pages...How i can fix this problem? Thanks
  11. O

    Backup solution or mod

    Hello, 1. Could DragonByte make some sort of a 3rd party/server based mod which could be used by vBulletin forum owners to fully and regularly back up their vBulletin forums on an appropriate 3rd party server away from their main hosting server? Such a facility or a 3rd party/server based mod...
  12. S

    Bug Issue after upgrade to 1.0.7

    Hello, We have a problem with forumon since the upgrade to version 1.0.7. Once we select the monster and then click on the "world map" and then we click on a location to travel there - a page loads but the "hunt" button does not work. (pic1) If for some reason it works (sporadically) a page...
  13. F

    Question Learning how to start with vboptimise

    Alright, I am looking forward to purchase this product since it cause effects in forum browsing and make it faster and smooth, so i downloaded the lite version and test by myself before purchase (thats what i did with the others products i bought already) After the instalation of this product...
  14. F

    Anti ddos attack product

    I wonder if you guys have or could make a firewall product, i wonder if vbsecurity make this job or not, otherwise it would be nice if you can release a kind of firewall for forums protection :)
  15. LuDawgs

    Bug Host Keeps Blocking My Site

    Hey, guys. For the past day, my host has been shutting off my account and taking my site offline. I think this is due to the number of connections that are running and I'm exceeding server load. Do you know if this has ever been a problem in the past? My site is relatively small with only...
  16. twolegit

    Bug laggy shoutbox

    last night and all day today my shoutbox has been very laggy, not sure why but I have disabled most functions and it is still really laggy, is there anything known? or can i pay you to come fix it? thanks
  17. TexasTornado Deb

    Compatibility Question ..

    I know this a quite general question; but I have to ask .. Do all the mods you have currently work on Vbulletin Suite 4.1.9 and are they compatible with vbSEO?
  18. B

    Bug Cache suddenly stopped working

    hi, vboptimise is my fav mod and everything was working perfectly until recently. i did not change any of the settings and before coming here i also verified with my host who spent hours trying to figure out what was wrong (they said they didn't change anything on their server side) Some...
  19. IcEWoLF

    Question on vBOptimise Pro

    I am looking to buy the pro version. Now I currently run a VPS server managed by wiredtree. I will need these extensions to make it work first correct? APC eAccelerator Memcache XCache WinCache Filecache I run litespeed on my server, any suggestions you guys have on...
  20. B

    Question Forum loads fast but takes up three times the Memory now.

    Please help, my forum loads much faster now but i'm having memory issues which i have never had before. Before VBoptimize my site loaded slowly but after it it loads fast but it keeps going down throughout the day whenever the memory limit is exceeded. My forum use to work perfect with a 500MB...