
  1. T

    Dragonbyte SEO

    I am going to purchase this but I have a question. I have vBseo. Do I have to uninstall it or will Dragonbyte SEO write over everything? TY.
  2. T

    Is dbSEO a resource hog like vbSEO?

    Anyone running vbSEO knows that it uses a lot of resources. Can anyone comment on how dbSEO is with gobbling up the CPU?
  3. G

    Question Warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed

    Around 90 lines of Warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 5 in ..../dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 1521 after installation and importing settings from vbSeo. Had to go back to vbSEO. : ) Please help
  4. C

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like Questions

    I'm considering purchasing the Advanced Post Thanks / Like Questions modification and have a few questions. I'm currently using VBSEO on my vb3.8 forum which I am upgrading. I have been using their like system for a couple years now but since they aren't around any longer, I will need to make...
  5. H

    Question Clicking on Mark Forums Read results in the file not being found.

    Hello, When i click MARK FORUM READ on info Panels on d4tabase.com | 404 - Page Cannot Be Found it links to there. Here is a login if you need to see for yourself > Username DBTECH PAssword DBTECH1 How would i fix this?
  6. T

    Bug Replace URL with Titletag still now work after upgrading to rc3

    Hi The auto url replacement with title tags still do not works on RC3 . even with our internal links . the problem now ,is the old threads with many urls : some urls are even not clickable and are just text . Tryied also to post a signle link on a post and the featuer not work .
  7. R

    Question Url wrong on cms pages/depreciation error when editing stylevars

    Hey guys, #1 - Getting a depreciation error when editing stylevars. I have not had a chance to look at logs or anything and the error flashed to fast to read it but I wanted to mention it to see if anyone else has experienced it. It has not impacted user experience in any way I have seen aside...
  8. bidorbuy

    Question import vbseo likes into dragon advanced like

    We have purchased Advanced Post Thanks / Like L.THANKS.LIFETIME We used to run vbseo, and have decided to replace it with your product. Is there a way to import the users likes counts into dragon advanced like?
  9. R

    Bug Product Likes System plug-in fails to import

    I have the files uploaded but the plug-in starts to imports, gets thru several table modifications, then it just hangs. I have to stop it because the server overloads if I just let it contnue to hang there. I never get an error message. Also, I upgraded from vBSEO to dbSEO, everything is...
  10. R

    Dbtech Seo rediection question

    Hello, Will Dbtech seo redirect my current Vbulletin urls to the old version of Vbseo urls I had a couple months ago? I no longer have Vbseo installed so I will need help figuring out the url setting using webmaster tools or my current htaccess which has the redirects from the old. The problem...
  11. R

    Bug Sitemap generation, hung.

    The sitemap generation did work automatically this morning. I could see the XML files in the correct directory. I wanted to manually get it to build the sitemap. So in DBSEOCP ? Sitemap Settings I clicked on Build Sitemap. Mainly to see how long it took. In the VBSEO sitemap generation I know...
  12. R

    Question Moved from VBSEO, some url's not working

    Hi, I've moved from VBSEO. Most of the website is now working fine, however there are a couple of area which I'm having trouble with. One is Media(VB Tube), the other is Garage Both of these mods supplied a custom rewrite rule to pop into VBSEO. I see DBSEO also has the same area, this was...
  13. R

    Bug Gallery Import fucntion imports Albums but no images

    Hi, I wanted to try out a different gallery, I have over 7000 images stored in VBAlbums. I've downloaded Gallery(Lite) 1.2.9, and noticed there is a very handy featured called 'Gallery Import' in the AdminCP. So i clicked that, and after an hour or two it complete. However all the images just...
  14. M

    Question Question Regarding DBSEO Future plans

    Hi Fillip H., I know you are busy with lots of debugging etc, but I just wanted to ask when do you think you will be implementing the MEMORY feature you spoke about. I forgot the name of what it would be called, but basically the memory redirects... when we change the URL structures that it...
  15. Nirjonadda

    Bug vBSEO Rewrite Rules

    vBSEO Rewrite Rules does not working on my site, Where member posted thread link it does not Redirect new URL . Its Redirect to Home Page, Please can you look into about on this issue. Old vBSEO URL /desi-picture/173166-a.html, Does not Redirect new URL /forum8/thread173166.html
  16. I

    Bug Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2

    When I activate the plugin I get this warning in the mail. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT post.postid, post.pagetext, IFNULL( user.username , post.username ) AS username, dateline FROM post AS post LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (user.userid = post.userid) WHERE...
  17. T

    Bug when I promote a thread the site goes down affecting the mysql

    Hi I purshassed the DBseo from your company . and installed it works fine . However it caused some conflict with some vb default options . When I post a thread and I try to promote it to the CMS . the site goes down and it affect the sql . the site freez whiuout giving me any database error ...
  18. D

    Dragonbyte SEO and vBSEO like system

    Hi, I'm wondering if you use the vBSEO like system too or is your SEO product only a replacement for the vBSEO SEO functionality? If yes then can the vBSEO like system/data be ported to your like product ?
  19. HaZaRd

    My provider does not have mod_rewrite enabled

    I am no expert, I only know that my provider has FastCGI web server with only a very small set of rewrite directives. I've never tried vBSEO, but another yes: "OdiSeo", but I had problems with the CMS page (with the forum and the blog no). 1. What information do you need because you can...
  20. M

    Bug Mark Forums Read and Footer

    Hi Fillip H., Just to let you know that I was surprised how well the transition went from VBSEO to DBSEO :) And looks like everything is working well too!! However two small issues using the RC1 1) Mark Forums Read = Blank Page not sure why? 2) My footer has gone weird (please see...