
  1. Octavius

    I can't log in after enabling then re-enabling vbcredits II

    Database error in vBulletin 4.0.8: Invalid SQL: SELECT userfield.*, usertextfield.*, user.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(passworddate) AS passworddate, user.languageid AS saved_languageid, IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid , (user.market_xperience) AS...
  2. ideric

    Downloads II to vbDownloads

    I am currently using Downloads II and I am mulling over the possibility of moving to vbDownloads. Is it easy to transfer from Downloads II to vbDownloads without loosing files and file stats?
  3. Ozzy47

    DBTech vBulletin and XenForo

    I have seen alot of questions and concerns about DBTech vBulletin and XenForo, I will try to put all the issues here. If you have a question that is not posted here ya can post it in this thread!! Question: Are you going to have mods for XenForo? Answer: Yes. We plan to have most of our...
  4. Ozzy47

    Shopping cart

    What shopping cart are you using for your product purchases?
  5. Darkwaltz4

    Recalculating Credits

    After you have set up the currencies and events the way that you are happy with, you can apply these settings retroactively to your members using the powerful recalculation features within vBCredits II. You can also apply mass updates outside of your events (such as zeroing out users...
  6. R

    Credits to savings currency conversion

    I'm Afraid this is something I am not understanding, I upgraded and previously I renamed my credits to Crackers. all the amounts transferred but I can not transfer to my savings account or vica versa please give me some guidance
  7. Chad Warden

    vBCredits + bank duplication

    Well a lot of my staff members just caught this and told me that you can cheat the system and get posting credits by just editing the same post. So basically, if someone makes a post, they get 7 credits (according to my system), and if they keep clicking the edit button they will get 7 more...
  8. Mokonzi

    AddOn Central Bank...

    I was wondering whether we could get some sort of Central Bank system added into vbActivity. I know there is an already existing bank in vbShop, and perhaps this could be adapted to accomodate that. Users who get banned or who are inactive ought to have their points/credits confiscated into...
  9. N

    How to give credits to Blogs and CMS content?

    Hi all How to give credits to Blogs and CMS content? Thanks
  10. kolenoblata

    Add new phrases

    I found some words are not phrased like Date/Action/Amount/User/Note in transaction table and Earned/Spent near amount and "Change" in credits_popup. I manage to translate that but I has to edit XML file and credits.php, so next time I update product I'll have to do that again. Can you make that...
  11. markber

    Preserving member credits from vBCredits 1.4 when installing vBCredits II?

    Hello, Is it possible to preserve member credits from vBCredits 1.4 mod when installing vBCredits II? Thanks
  12. D

    Expand your business!

    When I convert to this new forum software by Kier and Mike, it would be pretty cool if you guys expanded beyond vBulletin and built some killer mods for XenForo: :D
  13. hachito

    Initial Setup

    Friends: I have installed the following MODS Market Point System (A shop MOD) VBCREDITS II DELUXE PRO (bought the lifetime license) VBACTIVITY PRO (I purchased the license for life) As Encounter not an instruction manual on how to configure both DragonByte mods, can you indicate what steps...
  14. C

    Transferring of this currency has not been configured

    I'm getting this when trying to move some currency from credits to credits_saved.. I'm doing it by clicking the Currency link in the navbar and clicking on Savings...
  15. ChatterScene

    Relative Value?

    I created a currency called rewards. I also have a main currency for points. ( which they spend in the shop) I want these seperate rewards to be worth less than actual points. So I want 10 rewards to equal one point when they are ready to transfer the currency over to be able to spend it at...
  16. ChatterScene

    Points How to

    Actually I wasnt sure what category I should put this in so i opted for the vbshop area. I want users to be able to earn points from both vbactivity and vbcredits II. But I am confused as how to do this. Right now I have everything set up to use the vbactivity points. this is how they are...
  17. Dutch_Boy

    Currency not configured

    Also another thing. Dont wanna make for every question an topic. Cant send credits to any of my members. Get this and everyone els to: Tranferring of this cunnency has not been configured
  18. S

    AddOn vBCredits + vBookie

    Hi I have recently upgraded my vbcredits system to the vbcredits deluxe II and wondered how I can get the credits integrated with vbookie.
  19. X

    Convert from uCash

    im very interest with vBCredits II Pro i want buy it but i have one problem. my forum vB 403 with 35k user im using uCash addons for Credit System how to convert uCash Credit to vBCredits ?? i wont my user Credit gone away :) please help me :)
  20. ChatterScene

    Private currencies

    In usergroups there are setting that say can see private currencies and can adjust adjust currencies What do they mean and do I want them enabled for reg members?