
  1. M

    Question Upgraded and all thanks gone?

    Hi, Upgraded this morning, it seemed like it upgraded fine. It did a very long finalising part which took about 10 minutes. But nothing seemed like it went wrong. Went to a few threads, and now there is no thanks and likes at all. But my profile block still contains them... I cleared the...
  2. B

    Bug Instead of clickable links, I get [post-xxxx]...text...[/post]

    Hi, After sucessfully installing this add-on, when someone gets mentioned or quoted, it shows up in the profile section, but the post tag isnt parsed. It looks like this: 12:10 AM - KAREAMEL mentioned ronnie|A in post [ post=30266811]lets @ eachother to test out the new tagging feature..[/post...
  3. H

    Bug Urgent - Installation Killed My Forum

    I just had the software installed and my site is seriously broken now. Here are some of the things people are complaining about. "I get a broken link icon in place of everyone's avatar" "When I try to view my profile it says "page not found"" "Clicking on some forums yields the following...
  4. madmaxmangos

    Urgent - Entering Dragonbyte site via google results in warning page

    Hey, Searching your site from google comes back with your site on https. When I entered the site on chrome I got a big yellow warning screen because you're SSL cert has expired back in July last year... I expect anyone entering from google is seeing this because google is linking to -...
  5. T

    Bug Search and shortcuts not working

    Hi, Since I tried to use the Gallery import which was partly successful now the search does not work, always bringing back a blank search result, for users, or photos even when you know they have albums and the album name. Also the categories that were created and had albums in them, the links...
  6. C

    Question Member Album Rewrites Not Working

    Just noticed that the member album rewrites don't seem to be working correctly. I'm using the first standard rewrite option for all member profile urls. When clicking on another member's album on their profile page, it is taking me to my own albums instead of theirs. Then when I try to click...
  7. W

    Question Profile field is missing

    I have installed this on my production forum and I am not seeing the "Two-Factor Authenication" option in my user CP
  8. W

    Question What am I missing?

    So I installed this, and I see the 4 options in the general settings...but I am not seeing it on any UserCP under "My Account". I was assuming that this would enable 2FA option for ANY login, from anywhere. So, what am I missing?
  9. O

    Question Disable tabs for guest

    Hello guys. I want to disable the tabs "Quotes" and "Mentions" in the user profile but only for GUEST (in fact for google spiders but you got the idea). There is a way to do this? Cheers
  10. cflyrun

    Question An error occurred while processing this directive

    Installed as per the instructions. Set only active users to be displayed. Then when I go to I get a white screen with: [an error occurred while processing this directive] vBulletin 4.2.1 Other Mods: Forum Category Icons Other usergroup display Mark Threads...
  11. N

    Legacy Google Authorship support

    Feature request! :D Do you think it would be possible down the line to add Google Authorship support to the CMS, Blog and Forum via DBSEO? A few ways it could work: In the AdminCP allow us to assign Google Profile URL's to specific users, say for example Staff who are more likely to write...
  12. HaZaRd

    Legacy Social: add hastag options

    1. If possible to add hashtag field in the DBSEO options? 2. If possible to add social features in forumhome above the forum list? other question: what is this code at the end of twitter link? -> #.Uwc87UfvygQ.twitter
  13. T

    Bug ACP mass import userid not working

    Hi, Sorry for all the questions on Mass import..... So following the instructions we get to the box marked "user id". No matter what I put in there it always marked the uploads as done by me even though I put in the user name of the person who has sent the pics for upload. What is the purpose...
  14. J

    Bug Code struggles

    I think I've finally taught myself how to use this in the absence of *any* user documentation. :mad: However I may not understand the Code criteria properly. My interpretation of it is that I can give the code I see in the invite section of my settings to someone and they can follow that link...
  15. CharlieDelta

    Bug Email Phrases Missing & Review URL Submission Missing

    I have all the respective mods updated but i received my usual Sitemap Generation Report email with what seems to be some missing phrases and it also has "0" for the reviews when in fact I have several reviews listed. Below is a copy of the email.
  16. C

    Question Importing Thanks from VBSEO

    As I was cleaning up old stuff from vb3, I started to delete vbseo (since I now have dbseo). Just after removing the product, it asked me about removing vbseo data from the database and I remembered that the Likes system I was using was vbseo. So I did not opt to remove the data from the...
  17. M

    Bug Not receiving notifications

    it has been solved! Thanks
  18. mikez006

    Referral/Affiliate mod

    VB already has the Referral component where members can refer other people to the site with a referral URL, however I would love to see this expanded into an affiliate program. I have multiple paid subscriptions setup on my site, so if a member refers someone to our site, then that person buys...
  19. Q

    Question What to include in the sitemap? Quality or Quantity?

    Hi guys, what you recommended to introduce in the sitemap? Better prefer the quality or quantity? An old discussion on vBSEO advised the first: quality. After passing to dbseo, I generated the sitemap introducing only showthread.php forumdisplay.php content.php I have not included...
  20. M

    Bug Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Pro) and vbseo

    Hello, redirect me to but it should redirect to I'm using vbseo on this instalation vbulletin but I have "NO" selected in vbseo setting of Rewrite Member...