
  1. CharlieDelta

    Bug Navigation Links Not Working For Added Instances

    When I add a new instance the link is not deployed to the nav manager. Not a big deal as I will be making my own links anyway but is a bug just the same. I do not know however, the link url for my added instance. How would I find that? Also, the navigation title doesn't seem to change anything.
  2. S

    Would Like To Remove The Footer Of Blocks In Side Bar

    Hello, I would like to remove the image at the bottom of the side bar blocks. Please see the attached image. I have no clue where to start. i have been trying to reverse engineer with firebug, but its been a few hours now. Please help! Thank you.
  3. S

    Removing The Welcome Block

    hello, I bought the MMO skin today and would like to remove the welcome block. I was hoping this was a button but I cant find any settings for it. If I need to manipulate code, please provide step-by-step cause I'm a bit of a noob. Thanks
  4. Force

    What's New

    In the what's new tab if I say go to a topic and read it then go back to the what's new tab its gone like it should or click mark forums read then it clears all posts in there as it should. But on my forums it does not do this. So my question is how do I make this work on my forum
  5. Steris56

    Question adding a new skin

    OK Ozzy forgive me if this has been asked before ... its been a while since i played with navtabs i added a new skin now what is the easy way to get navtabs to display on the new one do i click on save changes or is there a better way thanks in advance
  6. Steris56

    Quick Account Switch

    This mod is or has been unsupported could the db team improve and release a supported one ???
  7. Z

    Bug Not all settings showing up in admincp

    The only part of settings that appear in vbulletin options are ' Dragonbyte Tech: vBSlider - General Settings'. The samething shows up from the leftside navigation menu after selecting options. This started out as an upgrade from version 3.0.0. After numerous failed attempts I removed every...
  8. Kirk93

    Question Custom-modifications

    Hello! I was wondering if you could help me. I wanted to exclusively use the Achievements/Awards part of the plugin, but there doesn't appear to be a way to do that in the way I like; I have to activate "Activity" in order to set up criteria. Essentially, all I want is to remove the public...
  9. R

    Reworking Forumdisplay , and Threaddisplay ( new way to see and use forums home )

    hi guys .. i wanted to post this idea to vbulletin directly but i dont seem to have access to their jira system as you see the forum genre is getting weaker , users are moving away from the forums to social media and websites . i had this idea for a while , but i dont know if it could be...
  10. H

    Bug Phrase error and Nav Manager Compatibility

    I have two errors, one of which I've seen discussed on but not resolved: I get the error Could not find phrase 'dbtech_vbanswers_invalid_action' in the Manage Trophies menu. I have re-uploaded and reinstalled, and also manually checked that the files are in place. The navigation...
  11. OlijO

    VAT for society

    Hi, i'm the owner of I'm a little society with VAT number in EU I see you charge the VAT, but you don't give to the customer to specify our VAT number and not pay it. It's a real problem, because in regard of the law, you need to give me the possibility to specify my VAT and be...
  12. M

    Legacy Some features request

    Hi I bought this great mod for one reason, that is the ability to get more than one navbar, but I can't say the other features is not good, but I think you can add more features to make this mod have higher value than what it has now. If you look at Andreas beta mod at, you will...
  13. C

    breadcrumbs not links

    I am a breadcrumb junky. I hate not being able to click the breadcrumbs and link back up the chain to where I want to be. Breadcrumbs are especially handy when it feels like the scroll is a mile up the page to other navigation. The breadcrumbs are not working as links for me. Not sure if...
  14. bzcomputers

    Legacy Allow HTML elements in drop down menus

    I am currently using another mod (Navigation Manager Enhancements by Andreas) that is allowing me to have drop down menus that look like this: The areas circled in red are HTML elements the current mod allows me to add to a menu. This other mod mentioned above is no longer supported and I...
  15. B

    Bug Double Nav-bar Tabs

    Hello Have double nav-bar tabs for vbquiz - same in all skins in navigation manager - settings I have only one tab attach picture some solutions to get only one tab? regards bosss
  16. B

    Question Nav tabs problem

    Have problem with custom skin and navbar tabs .... when navtabs are enabled ...totally destroy skin ... Skin is Gamingo and updated for vb 4.2.1 and on my test site have vb 4.2.1 ... Some help before use on main site? regards bosss
  17. Nirjonadda

    Question How to add A Drop Tab

    Hello How to add A Drop Tab for vB 4.2.1 with vBNavTabs v1.3.0 ?Please more info.
  18. S

    Bug ACP missing options under navtabs

    After I installed the vbNavTabs v.1.2.1 [Light] it appears it is missing options under the DBTech -vBNavTabs 4.2 The only option appears to be "General Settings". There is nothing else, according to the pictures in the download there is a bunch of missing options. I have tried to uninstall...
  19. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug vBulletin 4.2.1 DROP DOWN TABS NOT WORKING...

    Hello, I know this is probably way to early to complain but I just upgraded to VB 4.2.1 and the drop down tabs stopped working... I am sure it's something simple vBulletin possibly disabled by default or might need an update for vBNavTabs...
  20. D

    Bug Quiz Button: cannot disable in the Nav-Manager

    Hello! After upgrading the vbQuiz it is not possible for me to delete the new menu-item "vbquiz" in the nav-manager. I see the item in the menu, but it is not activ in the nav-manger... PLZ, can you help?