
  1. B

    Question Self Moods

    How i can add seld Moods? So i have a german Site and need the Moods in German language and i want a diffrent color. Blue is not my style:D
  2. chatty

    Question How do i setup VBCredits to work with VBArcade Hand in Hand ?

    I think it's a stupid question, but for me old men (:D) with poor English not so easy to understand. So here we go : Well, i installed the VBCredits Deluxe with the addon of VBArcade(Jackpots and Prices) an now i got few questions on that. First what i have to setup for This Reasons : All...
  3. L

    German vBArcade

    Here the German Translation for vbArcade. 97% translated
  4. L

    German vBMail

    Here the German Translation for vbMail 1.1.3! Only 4 Phrases not translated
  5. L

    German InfoPanels

    Here a German Translation for DragonByte Tech: InfoPanels (Pro) 2.0.1
  6. M

    Question Question about the Medal Images

    I have a question about the Images for the medals. I have a ribbon for each medal. I would like it so that the ribbon be displayed under the avatar in a post. And when you click the users profile it shows the ribbon and medal. Here is an example of what i mean...
  7. L

    Question about vBActivity & Awards

    I'am really interested in buying your vBActivity & Awards plugin, but I have a question. Is it possible to award the same medal a few times to a member and replace the picture with every number the medal is awarded? Like this one 1st time awarded 2nd time awarded 3rd time awarded, and so on...
  8. lcx

    Bug Problems with encoding?

    After upgrading to 5.4.4 I have problems with some romanian characters not showing. like șăâțî .... this worked before upgrading. German letters öäüß are ok. Is there some setting I forgot?
  9. A

    Question: Gift system

    Hello. In my thread on i asked for the option of a point and gift system. Now your modification has been recommended. But as i checked...
  10. McAtze

    Change Date/Time in vBDownloads

    I would like to change the date/time character in the downloads list to german standard .. OLD: "Apr 1st 2011 at 11:07 pm" NEW: "01.04.2001, 11:07" Is it possible to add this feature in a Update ?? I think it would be nice to add this also to the other Products .. ;)
  11. McAtze

    German vBDownloads

    At first i searched for a prefix called "german" .. :eek: But, i uploaded my german language files this way .. If you find some Bugs you can hold it, sold it or told it .. :cool: I hope you like it.
  12. K

    Question How to rename the action-names?

    Hello, maybe I'm blind... But I've searched the whole board and couldn't find an answer. I've created a german translation-file vor vBCredits II Deluxe. After uploading the file through the adminCP everything is fine except the titles of the actions. They are still english... After a look into...
  13. savraot

    Question Post/Thanks doesn't Display in my Style

    I use a Style from (usftech). The Problem is that nothing shown from the Post/Thanks Addon in my Style and Forum only in the Profile (see Shot). There are the same Problem with vb Standard Style, all settings set to "automatic" but nothing shown/display from the Addon. How...
  14. W

    Bug The Flash-Leaderboard isn't working

    Hey, i've buyed and installed the Pro Version of vBActivity and everything worked nice so far, but i and my members had one problem. The Flashchart (Column/Pie) in the leaderboard is always showing "Loading..." and nothing happens. Any mistakes i've made, anything i've forgotten?
  15. 1001Musik

    Bug Have problems with äüö

    In version 1.2 everything was i.o. With the update on 1.2.1 it is indicated me in the description weird signs. In the description it is correctly indicated äöü.
  16. E.T.

    Wrong timestamp in downloads

    Hi there, First of all I would like to thank you for the Downloads product, it's the best I've ever seen voor vb. I've a small issue with the timestamp, see the following: Dbf4all plugin jS M Y \a\t h:i a RTi core 1.0.1 BETA jS M Y \a\t h:i a I'm pretty sure it's a wrong setting in vb itself...
  17. 1001Musik

    Create sql error category

    After the installation I receive the following error Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/downloads_pro/actions/admin/addcategory.php (Zeile 27) Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 4.0.8: Invalid SQL: UPDATE vb_dbtech_downloads_categories SET catname = 'Default...
  18. M

    Errors on latest 1.1 version during import and category config

    Hi, I uploaded your latest version today and tried the downloads II importer. When the import started I got a barrage of PHP errors and then it said it was done. I couldn't get the errors as the screen changed to quick but from what I see, it imported the categories and less than half the...
  19. T

    vBDownloads Demo German

    Would like to buy plug-in, but I still have questions. Is a German version or language file? Where can you see a demo?
  20. Charro

    Translate German

    because my english very bad, my question is vbdredits in German .... but since there are many settings