
  1. W

    Bug Lots of Unconfirmed Contributions or Duplicate Entries

    Hello! I'm not sure if this is a bug or what, but it's only been two days since I started publicly using vbDonate and I'm getting a lot of strange unconfirmed (and non-existent as far as Paypal is concerned) entries in my Donations List. I've only had three real contributions so far, but for one...
  2. W

    Legacy [VB5 Version Request] Fixed Import System from DownloadsII

    This request is based on problems that came up when I original tested out copying my DownloadsII database into vbDownloads. It turns out, that every update someone makes to a file in DownloadsII, it creates a new entry within the sql database. When I tried to import the database it created (in...
  3. A

    Bug Duplicate "earn credits" welcome private message

    Hi, I set up the welcome credits to 10 upon new user registration. But when new user register, they receive a duplicate "earn credits" welcome private message, but the actual credit credited is only once. In additional, when I use my "admin" account to log in, everytime I will receive a...
  4. S

    Bug You have 1 new Award

    Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM customprofile WHERE userid='0' ORDER BY title /**customprofile- member**/; MySQL Error : Unknown column 'title' in 'order clause' When I click my new award in notifications,this is what happens. Also on top of that in my admincp my options seem to be doubled. "...
  5. cykelmyggen

    Legacy built-in determining factor against guests vs. bots

    Feature-req.: built-in determining factor against guests vs. bots.
  6. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Navigation background button color

    Hi there, first of all I want to say that I am very impressed with the new version and it's packed with so many features!~ I would like to request a feature to do the following if there isn't one yet: Navigation Button Color, I need an option to change the background, right now it shows a...
  7. S

    Bug move_uploaded_file

    hi please help to solve these problems and this Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO dbtech_vbarcade_data (gameid) VALUES ('1'); MySQL Error : Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' Error Number : 1062 thanks
  8. S

    Bug installation error

    hi I have a problem installing vbarcade
  9. djFarsang

    Bug The other source of images are not show

    The have been uploaded my images to public_html/uploads such as /uploads/pictures/software/24-08-2555%2021-48-52.gif, there are not show all images from this folder.
  10. Nirjonadda

    Question Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10

    Hello Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO vbdbtech_bookmark_entry (userid, contentid, contenttype, dateline) VALUES ( '27667', 524679, 'post', 1346748602...
  11. R

    Question Items Display Style - In Signature

    Hey guys, Got the shop set up and testing it out. At this time i see the item display postbit only allows me to show it below post count. I would like to move this into the signature section because I plan to use larger icons and they will not fit. I used to use Ishop and have attached a...
  12. F

    Question Post tabs in 4.2x Duplicate issues cant find in postbit

    Hi guys, I having the above issue. The Read me States: You will need to remove any vBulletin template code from postbit(_legacy) that you intend to use with Postbit Tabs, otherwise it will display multiple times. Would like guide to doing this please. Regards Luke
  13. J

    Legacy Download games from vBArcade

    Hello Will it ever be a download function? where you can download games from the Gamebox out. Sorry my English is not the best. Mfg
  14. J

    Bug Several Errors to report

    I have been looking forward to this mod but wanted to try the lite before I upgraded. I've had some trouble. 1) I installed the mod with no errors. Launching a new browser instance I logged out and tried to create a new account. There are two screens Age and everything else. After filling...
  15. Trekkan

    Bug SQL Error when editing a thread ban

    I banned a user as a test from a thread. That worked fine, then I deactivated the ban. That worked. Then I edited the ban to change it to ban the same person on a different thread and then got the following error: ### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ### INSERT INTO...
  16. trajche

    Bug Upload action doesn't deduct/add credits

    This is exactly the same bug as the download one: https://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f65/download-action-doesnt-activate-credits-decrease-5348/index2.html but it is concerning the upload 'action'. My bug report was deleted for being a duplicate, although it contained some information on the...
  17. Freekoid

    Bug database error

    Getting this error when I upgrade from version 2! Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE dbtech_vbshop_item ADD giftpm ENUM ('0', '1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'; MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'giftpm' Error Number : 1060
  18. Bassinurface

    Bug Database error

    Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `dbtech_registration_field_nonprofilefield` (fieldid, varname) VALUES (12, 'username'); MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'username' for key 'varname' Error Number : 1062 Request Date : Saturday, July 21st 2012 @ 03:51:14...
  19. Trekkan

    Bug There is no way to delete a field

    I can't see any way to delete fields in the manage fields area of the adminCP
  20. Robert Morrison

    Question Disable Original Profile Hover

    How do I remove the original profile hover so that 2 pop ups do not show? It's also not showing the profile image. It shows the avatar though but I know my profile has a profile image. Shows a vbulletin white image.