
  1. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Statistics Tracking

    Please can add more Statistics Tracking (Pro-only Features) Statistics Tracking: General Board Statistics Style Usage Statistics Top Threads & Forums Statistics Display Colors + Resolutions (Requires JavaScript) Statistics Countries + Regions Statistics Browsers +...
  2. Bassinurface

    Guns anyone?

    I am working on this site. I'm not sure if advertising is allowed, but I wanted to share it for anyone that is looking for a new gun forum. Similar to others but new and up to date features. I also am looking for some advice from you gun owners. Here is the site address and The Black Rifle...
  3. C

    Bug loader image issues

    I was playing with the slide loader graphic and it doesn't appear that changing it to "bar" works...I don't get any loader image on bar. Also shouldn't the pie loader graphic provide a moving graphic indicating when the slide is about to change? I notice it isn't animated here on DBtech either.
  4. C

    Question Change the color of the donation bar background/filled amount?

    Question is pretty much summed up in the title. I am trying to change the colors of the donation bar, and I do not see anywhere to do so. I would like to use something besides red and blue as they do not match my color scheme too well. Thank you.
  5. M

    Question How do i change shoutbox tab colors and text for the tabs?

    I was able to change the background of the shoutbox and the typing area using this guide but I am stuck with this now 0c61c0dfe6d3844e996ef44d2b07d872.png How do i fix the tab colors in the stylevars and the color of the text...
  6. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug vBDownloads v1.4.0b1 On a Fixed Templete

    First and for most thanks for working on this as this is a crucial part of a forums popularity as I have had in the past on my PHPNuke websites the download manager was very popular and it was very robust which is what I would like to see happen with this vBulletin mod for it to have wonderful...
  7. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Usergroups

    Is it possible to take into consideration the additional usergroups or would this cause an issue. I use additional usergroups for html markups for username and I would like the pin colors to match.
  8. fly

    Question I think my product.xml install timed out

    Most things appear to be installed, but I don't have the nav options on the left side of the AdminCP. So I'm assuming it somewhat failed because it took so long. Can I just uninstall it and reinstall it? Should it take a long time to install? I have close to 1mil posts, if that matters.
  9. bszopi

    Question vBSlider Templating

    Ok, I said I would do a quick tutorial on using the templating feature of vBSlider v3.0, so here goes! First, click on the "Manage Templates" option from the vBSlider ACP menu. Here, you can create a new template. In the "Add New Template" dialog box, it asks you to enter the number of...
  10. Papa Bear

    Bug Back To Top

    @Ozzy47 How do I change the colors of the Back To The Top button that appears at the you can see in the pic it just shows all white on this skin. Thanks.. Bear.
  11. Nirjonadda

    Question User Text Formatting Mention Not Work

    This is another bug of Advanced User Tagging,member when select Font colors and Font sizes on reply Mention Not Work,how to fix this issue? without Font colors and Font sizes Mention Work ! Example : @Nirjonadda Example: @Nirjonadda
  12. Henk Keuris

    Question How do I change the text color on the Forum tabs?

    Sorry for all the questions. But I find it strange that these aren't working just out of the box? How do I change the font colors here? Specifically the active tab (forums), but also the inactive tabs, to match the style of the forum? Thanks!
  13. Henk Keuris

    Question How do I change the colours of text in tabs and archive?

    Hi, How do I change the colours of tabs and the colour of the primary lines in archive?
  14. IcEWoLF

    Question Time for me to upgrade my live website with the new Gallery Mod

    I've been holding off on this for a while (even with a lifetime license) I've been waiting for the improvements and I finally got them, the product looks better than ever and I am ready for the change. Will keep this thread updated as I keep doing stuff. :)
  15. T

    Legacy Inventory page improvements

    On the inventory page it would be very useful to: show the name of the thread with a link to thread that is being used for thread items: sticky, thread colors and others Only show "hidden" field when postbit option to show items is enabled
  16. bzcomputers

    Legacy Would like the option for a border around thumbnail images (1px will work)

    Depending on the site background and the image colors there can be some visual bleeding of the thumbnails because there are currently no borders on the images. You can see below in this screenshot where at (1) there is not a border on the image, and at (2) I was able to add a border to that...
  17. GoodApples

    Bug Warning 3.0.0b3 on the CMS

    Here are a couple of Warning on the new 3.0.0b3 on the CMS Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in [path]/dbtech/vbslider/actions/widget.php on line 116 Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in...
  18. A

    Bug Installation of the .xml file gives an error at the end of it

    As soon as it finish importing and writing the .xml file it gives this error : 404 Not Found The resource requested could not be found on this server! Powered By LiteSpeed Web Server LiteSpeed Technologies is not responsible for administration and contents of this web site! I already uploaded...
  19. BrianC

    Question Notification Text Color Not Changing

    Hi I updated the Navigation Tab and Text Colors. The tab updated as expected but the text is remaining red. I want to change it to white. I tried the rebuild cache button in the mod and cleared the all the browser settings including the cache. Is there some other cache or similar in...
  20. Drahnier

    Legacy Different User colors in different themes

    The Problem with users selecting a color is they are often only sensitive to the current theme that they are on, users selecting for example white font when there exists a theme with a white BG can be a problem what I would like is a way to specify how the different colors display in different...