
  1. reeshe

    Questions regarding renewal of products

    My forum is vb4 and I need to renew my licenses to a couple mods and I'm a bit confused on the latest options. Replacement Licence: Advanced User Tagging (vB5) -- Receive updates for vb5 for 1 year? Dual Licence: Advanced User Tagging (vB5) - --Receive updates for vb4 and vb5 for 1 year...
  2. Unfolded

    Question Change Chat drop down text color How can i change the text color here?
  3. U

    Question Download Icon vs text

    The one thing I did like about the other Downloads product was the large download button. It allowed users to immediately zone in where they needed to click in order to get the file. Regular users of this product won't have a problem seeing where to download the file, but for first timers coming...
  4. Unfolded

    Question [Question] User has just replied to the thread

    In vBshout when a user replies to a thread, some have a link and some dont. Why is this and how can it be changed
  5. T

    Legacy Option for users to turn thread or username color/styling off

    Some of my members have complained that they don't like seeing multiple colored usernames and thread titles. It would be nice to have an option for users to turn off purchased color and style changes.
  6. Trekkan

    Bug Website goes white after auto refresh

    After going to my site at Just For Fun Gaming after about 60 seconds, the page goes white. No other pages on the site do this. If I view the source of the page, all of the HTMl/Javascript, etc is all there still. This started happening probably a month ago, but I just now had time to look...
  7. S

    Background color

    Hey, had a lot of trouble with this theme when I first got it, got to the point where I put it aside for the time being to work on more core content of my website. I am wanting to add this theme in finally, but I want to remove the color behind the forum categories first, how can I achieve this...
  8. Unfolded

    Question Where can i edit the template for this?

    You have Spent 75 Forum Coins for a new Donate. "Aiakos: 5 Mandrakes" Full details may be found on your transaction log. Have a nice day! I want to change the entire way its worded such as You have sent x amount of Forum coins to *user* Then have the description for what the trade was for...
  9. D

    Question change color time

    how do i change the time colour from black to white ?
  10. W

    Advanced Registration v2 feature

    Hello, I want to know if [DBTech] Advanced Registration v2 (vB4) has feature that can use for invitation code based registration. Thank you.
  11. M

    Question How do i change shoutbox tab colors and text for the tabs?

    I was able to change the background of the shoutbox and the typing area using this guide but I am stuck with this now 0c61c0dfe6d3844e996ef44d2b07d872.png How do i fix the tab colors in the stylevars and the color of the text...
  12. T

    Question can't get more than 2 news items

    i have tried to get 4 news items to display on the ticker (finally gave up for now and uninstalled) but can only get 2 at the most though i entered 4. here I notice if i even counted right there are 15 items in the infopanels new ticker. what am i doing wrong? i do seperate each item with a...
  13. S

    Bug Copyright question

    Hi, I know that you cannot remove the copyright. What I want to know is if the whole thing has to be there or if we can remove the bolded and colored part shown below? If so, where would I find this to remove that part? NavTabs provided by vBNavTabs (Pro for vB4.2) - vBulletin Mods & Addons...
  14. Amaury

    Footer Time Text Visibility

    Any way footer_time_color could be changed to the black the rest of the text there is? It's currently hard to see. :)
  15. Drahnier

    Question change Dropdown menu options?

    it's probably something terribly obvious but where/how can I add/remove links from here; Specifically I'd like to rename "Contribute" to "Donate", remove the "My Contributions" link and add a link to Vbulletins Default Subscription page(/payments.php)
  16. A

    Bug no slider in cms

    Hello, I installed the slider. It runs in the forum but not in the cms. I programmed the same functions. The widget is installed but I see nothing in the cms.
  17. S

    How do I change the "days" color in the calendar

    Hi everyone, I am loving the skin but I have a problem with the calendar. When I go in there the text for the day (aka the 5th, 6th, etc) is just so dark on the brown background I can't read it. What do I need to edit so it can be the light brown color like the forums text? Appreciate any...
  18. ufshane

    Question Change the popup color

    We are using a dark theme so the white box causes issues, is there a way to change the coloring, or am I missing where it is?
  19. Nirjonadda

    Question Search Tab and Subnav links Issue

    Hello Search Tab Font Problem , Please Check the ScreenShot for this issue and Does not show Subnav links Tab,How to fix on this issue?Please can you check and give me a fix?
  20. Goshee

    Question Feature: (Pro) The "Received" and "Given" postbit stats can now be turned off on a pe

    Feature: (Pro) The "Received" and "Given" postbit stats can now be turned off on a pe -----SOLVED BUT SUGGESTION BELOW TOO :)------ Hi there, I recently upgraded my license again to the full lifetime option for advanced posts and likes (really great mod by the way!) The reason for upgrading...