
  1. mikez006

    Bug Thread Color bug

    I was using 3.0.2, but just upgraded to 3.1.0 since I thought that might fix the bug, but it didn't. When a user purchases the Thread Enhancement item from the shop, it changes the thread color for all of that persons thread. The problem is when someone else posts in the thread it changes the...
  2. C

    Question Change the color of the donation bar background/filled amount?

    Question is pretty much summed up in the title. I am trying to change the colors of the donation bar, and I do not see anywhere to do so. I would like to use something besides red and blue as they do not match my color scheme too well. Thank you.
  3. O

    Bug Shout Notification Sound

    The notification sound of a new shout does not work. There should be a pop sound when a shout is made, however there is not. If someone changes the color of their font, there is a pop sound. Is this a bug or something I am doing wrong?
  4. Michael Figueroa

    Question Background text input box color

    Hi, I'm using vbulletin 5.0.0 and I wanted to know if there is any way to change the background color of the text input box. I understand there are 2 things involved non-active (non-clicked) then active (clicked). I don't mind changing the overall vbulletin white input boxes but I just don't...
  5. D

    Question Like Button Background Color

    I have 2 problems, one I know is not a bug, and the other might be. 1. The color of the "like" button is far too dark. What css code, or other editing do I need to do so this is either transparent, or at least shows up so people can see the text in the button? Below is a screen capture: 2...
  6. G

    Legacy Picture border color

    In 1.3 version I changed in templtes the color of picture border. Bot now I could do this only for thumbnail location... Could you add extra setting to ACP for this action? It would be so convinient. :o
  7. Sarab

    Bug Hash tag bug

    Hello, There is a problem when we use #hashtag #If_we use them without the default alignment they don't work ="( How can we fix it =")? Best Regads, Sarab
  8. MaxLiao

    Question How do I get the content to appear?

    This is a two parter ... PART 1 I'm not able to get the slider to display how we desire. I need to know if this is working as intended, if I misconfigured something, or if there is another issue involved. Testing conditions: One Custom content. One Article with one category. One Article...
  9. T

    Question Dbtech sidebar header

    check out the screenshots I've provided. With the 2 dbtech sidebar headers the color, they do not go all the way down and fill in the block like the other default vBulletin one does. I hope I explained that correctly. But then again looking at it says it all. Thank you!!!
  10. Sarab

    Question Usercp

    Hello, I want to put the welcome panel on usercp: I did choose manually put, and did put it on the template for usercp put it did not shows ="( how to do it? Best Regards, Sarab
  11. jluerken

    Question Change color of tabs

    Hi Fillip H. how can I change the color of the category tabs? It's black text on a black background atm :-) Kind regards jluerken
  12. joshuwae

    Bug Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/credits/credits_cor

    Using the dropdowns to look @ specific currency: /credits.php?u=&currencyid=2&actionid= Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/credits/credits_core.php on line 809
  13. heyzeus909

    Legacy Wrap Status Text in Quotes

    Is there a way to have the status text automatically wrapped in quotes? In other words, changing: This is my status. to "This is my status."
  14. Mommaoz

    Question Show only our mentions?

    On the mentions tab, it shows both people mentioning us AND our mentions of others. Is there a way to ONLY show where we've been mentioned/tagged instead of including OUR mentions... I'm not sure that's clear... FOR EXAMPLE: This is what shows in my mentions tab: and I'd like it to NOT show...
  15. F

    Question Add personal items, plus other questions...

    Ok... I actually have a few different questions about adding vBShop as well as vBCredits to my site. I know this isn't the vBCredits forum and I have asked the appropriate questions there, however there may be some overlap. Here goes... A- My site is a paid membership forum and has some free...
  16. Nirjonadda

    vBShop work with Other Users

    Hello Does vBShop work with Other Users? Have a all option like Point Market System 3.1x? Other Users - Change Custom User Title - Gift a Gift (Give a Gift to Other Users) - Donate to Another User - Steal From a User - Fire a Moderator - Change Avatar Does supports importing from Point Market...
  17. T

    Change background color and adjust for correct widget size?

    I apologize as I am sure this has been answered or already explained in the setup directions but I can not figure it out for the life of me and I have read over everything in setup and checked the forums but can't locate any help. I am sure I am just overlooking the answer so again, I apologize...
  18. Sarab

    Question Many Q!

    Hello, I really love this mod =.= <-- just finished understanding every aspect of the mod xD ( thank you Darkwaltz4 =) ) Will when I finished I had some questions, they are: 1- about paycheck is their a way to set it for users instead of usergroups? <-- we have ranking system for users so...
  19. V

    Question Can I add Image?

    Hey. I'm currently using Ajax Post Thank You Hack. As you can see, all buttons have BLUE background except for Thanks: Is there a way I can add this background to my " Thank " Button?: I'd really appreciate it anyone could help.
  20. Morrus

    Question More than 5 comments?

    I've been slowly tweaking the layout of the quiz system to look (at least in my eyes) a little nicer. YMMV, of course, but I have stumbled across a question. Neverwinter Competition - EN World: RPG News & Reviews Re. the Comments section at the bottom - how do I increase the number of...