Legacy Magic Tags Implementation

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Hi guys,
I was thinking a great implementation to make for the auto tagging system.
Would be really good if the plugin record all the words that the people add like tags and add these words to Manage Keyword list.
Isn't a great idea? :)
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If? Why? It is really more useful.
I hope to receive this update before my subscription is valid, but there are other 2 month, so I hope you add this fundamental feature soon.
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If? Why? It is really more useful.
I hope to receive this update before my subscription is valid, but there are other 2 month, so I hope you add this fundamental feature soon.

Features are added based on the demand for them. This means the more people who ask for a feature, the faster/more likely it is to be implemented. As time is a limited resource we have to prioritize features, and the fairest way to do it is to give priority to those features that most people ask for.

Usually a feature is requested and over time people will like the post, or come in to say they would also like the feature (or will request that feature or a similar feature themselves). This moves it up the list.

This is a new request and no one else has ever requested anything like it, so there are other feature requests which were made before this one and/or have more requests, which means those will likely be added before this one.

With any feature request we look at it in detail once it reaches the top of the list, and then we determine how to add it, whether it would have any detrimental effect on performance, whether it would have the intended effect and whether it is worth the amount of time it would take to create and add to the mod. Until we have done that analysis we can't guarantee a feature will be added, even if it seems like a good idea. If something is a good idea but it causes everyone's forums to slow down or crash, for instance, we won't add it.

Hope that clears up how the feature request process works! You can read about it in more detail in our FAQ http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/info/faq/ under the "I made a feature request..." question.

This is a new request and no one else has ever requested anything like it

I can imagine... :) I have always an idea more. :D I'm joking ;)
You know why this is a great idea? Because double the traffic! :)
Think to have a car forum.
So many people will talking about cars.
Who have the patience to add tags add the right ones, for example mercedes, fiat, car, wheel, (car models), buy, sell, search, these are only some examples. The system for next threads if they are talkink about some model of mercedes the system just have the tags. :)
Other than words... This is genially! :D ;)
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