XF1.5 Donate - pre purchase questions



I am going to purchase Donate addon for XF1.5 but I have few questions:

1- I am using DBTech Credits with [bd] Paygates and recently I added new payment gate to [bd] Paygates and it is working fine in DBTech Credits. The question: will the new payment gate work in DBTech Donate if it is working in DBTech credits?

2- Can I show specific donation for specific usergroup only?

3- Can I add donation in RM? for example inside resources page or beside download button?

will the new payment gate work in DBTech Donate if it is working in DBTech credits?
Don't see why not :)

2- Can I show specific donation for specific usergroup only?
You mean donations from user group X only shows to user group X? No, sorry.

3- Can I add donation in RM? for example inside resources page or beside download button?
XF1 does not have a widget system so unfortunately this is not possible on XF1. I would strongly recommend upgrading to XF2 to unlock this functionality.