Bug When adding mod through forum, it doesn't add it to group moderators

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I just noticed this, I'm not sure if it's bug, feature request, but here's the description.

When I add moderator using Manage forums option and option add moderator to certain forum, I have option to change primary usergroup (or secondary, if I want to) to moderator. After that, this moderator isn't added to group moderators. I just noticed this.

When I go to users option and save changes, mod checks users' group moderators (and other) permissions and adds this user to group moderators, if he belongs there.

Just noticed this behavior and to let you know. Of course I could make someone moderator and then change his primary usergroup through users option, but I prefer to do this in one step, in manage forum's add moderator option.

If you could "hook" your mod there too?
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Legacy Threadmins and Group Moderators

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