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It can't do that regardless of the vBShout version, a custom notification inserter will need to be coded in the same location that increments that DB column :)
It can't do that regardless of the vBShout version, a custom notification inserter will need to be coded in the same location that increments that DB column :)

Thanks Fillip H.,I understand now,so potentially the possibility is there to post either a new highscore or new tournament winner to vb shout.
After upgrading to vb shout pro now I can see as is here how informative too members it is.
I'd just like to see the arcade highscores and tourney results also being posted there..
Let me show you how I have it set up at the moment..I don't think it's off topic as it includes four DBT mods to make it happen.But if it is please accept my apologises.
Vbarcade auto creates a thread upon a highscore,in return vbslider pulls the last couple of threads from that forum.Vbshout dosen't deem the auto created thread as a new thread so it wont post it.But setting highscore alerts to pm in vbarcade,vbshout posts a pm has been sent.Then in return vbnotifications kick in.

So really speaking the biggest issue is vbshout is not pulling the automated highscore threads..And really don't want a shoutbox full of pm sent on highscores..Thats why I asked about the notifications and possibly intergrating new highscore/new tournament champion..

Vbshout post...jpg

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