Bug VBOptimise Pro Causing Server Load to Increase!

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we are having a major issue with vBOptimise Pro. When it is enabled, the load on our MySQL server skyrockets to 15-20. Disabling it brings the load down to normal levels.

The problem is that we have an older version of vBOptimise Pro; we could upgrade the license and get the most recent version, but we are not sure if it would fix our issue.

Do you know of possible problems of older vBOptimise versions with vBulletin 4.2.x, Mysql 5.1 and PHP 5.4.33?

We are using XCache, but changing to other caching engines yields the same results. As soon as we enable vBOptimise, the load skyrockets within a few minutes.
We disabled vBOptimise until the load went down to about 0.1, normal load for our server. We then re-enabled it, and the load stayed around the same amount.

This might indicate that there is some issue arising when the resource usage is too high; some condition which causes vBOptimise to put more stress instead of less under certain circumstances.
It is happening again. Load went to 15. We disabled vBOptimise and the load started dropping immediately, up to a below 1 value.
Try adding this plugin to admin_index_main3 and see whether there's any indication there's something wrong with your XCache configuration:
if (function_exists('xcache_count'))
	$phpCacheCount = xcache_count(XC_TYPE_PHP);
	$varCacheCount = xcache_count(XC_TYPE_VAR);

	$stats = array();

	for ($i = 0; $i < $phpCacheCount; $i ++) {
		$data = xcache_info(XC_TYPE_PHP, $i);
		$data['type'] = XC_TYPE_PHP;
		$data['cache_name'] = "php#$i";
		$data['cacheid'] = $i;

		$stats['File Cache #' . $i] = array(
			'Cached Files' 				=> vb_number_format($data['cached']) . ' (' . vb_number_format($data['size'], 2, true) . ' Total, ' . vb_number_format($data['avail'], 2, true) . ' Available)',
			'Hits' 							=> vb_number_format($phpCache['hits']),
			'Misses' 						=> vb_number_format($phpCache['misses']),
			'Cache full count' 				=> vb_number_format($phpCache['ooms'])

	for ($i = 0; $i < $varCacheCount; $i ++) {
		$data = xcache_info(XC_TYPE_VAR, $i);
		$data['type'] = XC_TYPE_VAR;
		$data['cache_name'] = "var#$i";
		$data['cacheid'] = $i;

		$stats['Variable Cache #' . $i] = array(
			'Cached Variables' 				=> vb_number_format($data['cached']) . ' (' . vb_number_format($data['size'], 2, true) . ' Total, ' . vb_number_format($data['avail'], 2, true) . ' Available)',
			'Hits' 							=> vb_number_format($data['hits']),
			'Misses' 						=> vb_number_format($data['misses']),
			'Cache full count' 				=> vb_number_format($data['ooms'])

	print_table_header('XCache Cache Info', 2);
	foreach ($stats as $title => $info)
		print_description_row($title, false, 2, 'optiontitle');
		foreach ($info as $key => $val)
			print_cells_row(array("<strong>$key</strong>", $val), 0, 0, -5, 'top', 0, 1);
	print_table_footer(2, '', '', false);
I had the same issue. I moved to a new server cluster with PHP 5.5 and Zend Opcache and the load was horrible. I uninstalled VBOptimise Pro and there's hardly any load at all. This is with 4,000 users online on a cluster with 3 web servers, 1 db server and 1 file server. Is VB Optimise compatible with PHP 5.5 and Zend Opcache?

Also, the CDN integration would not work at all. The setup and sync completed but none of the images were ever served from the CDN. I had to use Replacement Variables instead.
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I had the same issue. I moved to a new server cluster with PHP 5.5 and Zend Opcache and the load was horrible. I uninstalled VBOptimise Pro and there's hardly any load at all. This is with 4,000 users online on a cluster with 3 web servers, 1 db server and 1 file server. Is VB Optimise compatible with PHP 5.5 and Zend Opcache?
Admittedly we're not as high concurrence as the site you're describing, but we're running PHP 5.6 on this server with no issues with vBO :)

The Zend Opcache currently does not allow you to store variable data in the same way XCache/Memcache does, so vB Optimise doesn't interface with Zend in any way.

Also, the CDN integration would not work at all. The setup and sync completed but none of the images were ever served from the CDN. I had to use Replacement Variables instead.
Did you check to make sure the images had synced correctly, and tried flushing any other forms of cache to make sure the new CSS was being served?
The 3 web servers use PHP 5.5.19 and the db server uses MariaDB 10. The loads spiked as high as 200 with VBOptimise installed. Memcached is used for the datastore. After uninstalling it the load has not gone any higher than 10 even during peak time. This is a forum that averages 10,000 posts per day.

I tried reinstalling the CDN integration several times and it just never worked. I completely removed and reinstalled VBOptimise 4 times and it just wouldn't work. It worked well on the previous cluster with PHP 5.3 and MariaDB 5.5. It won't work on this cluster.
The 3 web servers use PHP 5.5.19 and the db server uses MariaDB 10. The loads spiked as high as 200 with VBOptimise installed. Memcached is used for the datastore. After uninstalling it the load has not gone any higher than 10 even during peak time. This is a forum that averages 10,000 posts per day.
Is the Memcached running on a dedicated database/datastore server?

Did you try disabling all the cache features in vB Optimise's Cache Options page and re-enable them one by one until you found the option causing an issue?

I tried reinstalling the CDN integration several times and it just never worked. I completely removed and reinstalled VBOptimise 4 times and it just wouldn't work. It worked well on the previous cluster with PHP 5.3 and MariaDB 5.5. It won't work on this cluster.
Could it be a sync issue between cluster nodes? I don't know of any other reason why it would fail to work on the new cluster vs. the old.
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Legacy vB Optimise

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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