vBCredits II Deluxe v1 and vBActivity & Awards 2.1 released

Fillip H.

Staff member
Hi again folks, good news this time!

We're happy to announce the release of vBCredits II Deluxe version 1.0 ( http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/content/166-vBCredits-II-Deluxe ) for vBulletin 4.0.x and vBActivity & Awards version 2.1 ( http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/content/121-vbactivity-pro ) for vBulletin 3.X and 4.0.x

The 3.x version of vBCredits II Deluxe will be released this weekend =)

vBCredits has been long awaited & anticipated, and we are very happy to have the creator and coder as part of the team at DragonByte Technologies. vBCredits II Deluxe is the premier points system on any message board, and blows everything that has come before it out of the water.

Enjoy the new products, and look out for some big things coming in the next couple of months!

Thanks for reading,
- The Dragonbyte Tech Team.
I bought & downloaded it right when the announcement came out. I uploaded the files, imported the FIRST XML and then while importing the second....MY HOST WENT OFFLINE FOR MAINTENANCE!!

Thanks for this announcement... I will download the lite version and see if it works on my server if it does i will come back and purchase a couple pro versions :D
I think I will wait for all the main bugs to be ironed out and fixed plus the shop integration to come into play. Any idea when this will be released? End of the year?
I think I will wait for all the main bugs to be ironed out and fixed plus the shop integration to come into play. Any idea when this will be released? End of the year?

=P When have we ever taken that long for anything?

No, we're aiming to get our shop mod released this month =)
Hardly. :)

Cool, any idea when abouts? Like end/mid of the month?

And, mind me asking who's going to be coding it?

Finally, what's Deceptor upto these days? Is he working on a new project? He's got to be by far the most talented coder on the team?
Will there be add ons for both the arcades - v3arcade and ibproarcade?
ibproarcade sadly cannot be integrated with, it does not properly support addons in a way that vBActivity would take advantage of. v3arcade is still up for questioning, haven't investigated that yet.

What's new in the vBA 2.1 release? Just fixes or is there any new content?
The first post has a link to the full vBA article which also has a changelog :)

It seems VBC needs an addon to give forum members the ability to buy credits for cash on the forum (With PayPal and so on ...). Any plan about this feature?