

Hello. I'm interested in vBArcade & had some questions. I was looking through the forums & much of the info I found regarding vBArcade seems to be from years ago when vBArcade was first released.

- Can someone tell me how well vBArcade is operating in 2018 (stablity...errors...bugs...etc.)?
- How easy/difficult is it to install vBArcade? Remember that not all of us are experts...what seems easy to one person can be har for another. lol
- How about importing games? Where do we get games for vBArcade...and how easy/difficult are they to install?

FYI. Website

Thanks very much.:)
- Can someone tell me how well vBArcade is operating in 2018 (stablity...errors...bugs...etc.)?
We haven't had any reports of new bugs, so I don't think that's an issue.

How easy/difficult is it to install vBArcade?
I'd say fairly easy, you may need to temporarily CHMOD your .htaccess file to 777 to let the installer read it to verify it's been edited correctly, but other than that it's pretty straightforward.

How about importing games? Where do we get games for vBArcade...and how easy/difficult are they to install?
Honestly, I don't know. I wouldn't be able to post any links even if I did, as arcade games have always been questionable from a legality standpoint - it's why there's no games included with the product. Whether any of the game repository sites that are included with the product still work, no idea. Some of them have closed, some of them just closed their API, so there's nothing we can do in that regard.
We haven't had any reports of new bugs, so I don't think that's an issue.

Apologies...maybe my original question was unclear. What I meant to ask was...if I was to install vBArcade today...what sort of bugs or stability issues (new or old) might I run into? Would hate to install vBArcade...and immediately run into issues with the running of vBArcade itself...or issues with vBulletin 4.2.5.

I'd say fairly easy, you may need to temporarily CHMOD your .htaccess file to 777 to let the installer read it to verify it's been edited correctly, but other than that it's pretty straightforward.

This is what I meant by what's easy to one person is not so easy for another.;) Not really sure what all of that is...but if install instructions for vBArcade are clear on what needs to be done...I'm sure I can follow those instructions.:)

Honestly, I don't know. I wouldn't be able to post any links even if I did, as arcade games have always been questionable from a legality standpoint - it's why there's no games included with the product. Whether any of the game repository sites that are included with the product still work, no idea. Some of them have closed, some of them just closed their API, so there's nothing we can do in that regard.

Hmmm...not sure how to respond to this. Totally understand the legality part mentioned. But the rest of that message contains a lot of unknowns...which doesn't instill a lot of confidence that vBArcade should be purchased. If there are this many unknowns regarding the operation of vBArcade...maybe vBArcade should no longer be sold/offered. $119.95 is a lot to pay for a product that sounds like it may not work.

With all of these unknowns...if vBArcade were offered for free (or at a very low price)...then the risk of purchasing & installing it (and maybe not working) would not be as big a deal as paying $119.95...and not having it work.
