Bug Usertag install gone wrong

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New member
Attempted to install the usertag plugin on my forum. My forum is a larger forum with over 500,000 users and over a million posts.

I suspect this is due to either hitting a PHP memory limit or execution time limit.

I uploaded all the PHP files and when I went to important the xml I saw a couple messages, last one I saw was that it altered the administrator table. It kept running for a little bit (the browser was still showing that it was loading) but my forum was unusable for several minutes. I'm not sure if the recovery was because the server gave up on executing the install, if AWS spun up new instances (I use docker) or if the install was complete.

I do not think the install was completed as I do not see the plugin in the plugin manager list of plugins. Not sure what all is changed in the db but I do see that the administrator and user tables have some dbtech fields. I also see dbtech_usertag_mentions and dbtech_usertag_tag tables were created.

So at this point, I'd feel safer to uninstall the plugin but I'm not sure how. I can clean up the DB but I'm not sure if anything is requiring those fields now and if cleaning up the DB (removing tables/fields) and deleting the files I had uploaded would cause issues or not. I'm not sure how comfortable I feel about trying to complete the install since the plugin isn't even listed in the plugin manager.
This is most likely due to the fact that your "user" table is very large, and your server is not set up to allow PHP to wait for such an extensive query to finish.

I can write out the install queries for you to run in the command line, if you like.
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That may help. Although would it get me all the way? The plugin isn't showing up in the plugin manager list which leads me to believe there would be more to finish? If I run the sql queries manually, is there a way I can disable these when installing the plugin?
The installer automatically skips edits that have already been done, so it would allow the install to finish.

ADD dbtech_usertag_excluded TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD dbtech_usertag_mentioncount INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD dbtech_usertag_tagcount INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD dbtech_usertag_mentions INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD dbtech_usertag_tags INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD dbtech_usertag_settings INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD dbtech_usertag_quotecount INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD dbtech_usertag_hashcount INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD dbtech_usertag_quotes INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

Remember to add your table prefix if you use one.
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Legacy Advanced User Tagging

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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