Legacy User Profile Displaying Item Quantity

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That One Guy

Hello there! How are you? I hope you are doing fine!
I would like to request a feature for the 3.8.x and 4.2.x series.

When I buy, let's say 10 Tacos, it would only show Taco without the quantity available in the User Profile.
I would like to suggest this as a feature since a few members loved to see the number of quantity per item (for some odd reason).

Maybe having, "Quantity: X amount" where X = number that has been bought, below "Item Purchased at.." would be a great place to put it.

Thank you for taking your time to read! :)
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If you buy 10 copies of an item, it will display as 10 separate items. This is because the purchase dates may be different, so grouping them under a single item may result in incorrect purchase dates shown.
Oh I see! Thank you for your response.
What you said worked for me since I bought them in stacks of 1 at different times.

But a user on the site bought 266 tacos in one sitting and it only displays as one when I view that user. :(
Does that mean that it will only show as one if all was bought at once?

As an off topic question, how many items would be displayed per user profile page?
Say if I bought 300 tacos at 300 different times, would it show all of it in just one page on my user profile?
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