Upgrade from VB4


I'm currently running VB4, https://www.solent-renegades.co.uk/forum.php
The main thing lacking is being able to upload to the photo gallery in multiple files. We often take photos at car shows this could be between 50 and 800 photos. I used to be able to upload them in one go, but now due to Javascript blocking or sometihng, the bulk upload dosn't work.

So I have created a trial of VB5, and I can upload many photos at once, but its not in an album as such, but its do-able.

If I'm going to upgrade, should I go VB5, or Xenforo, can both upgrade from what I have keeping all CMS and threads? I have over 10k photos from many different users, so this would be a pain to re-upload.
I'm currently running VB4, https://www.solent-renegades.co.uk/forum.php
The main thing lacking is being able to upload to the photo gallery in multiple files. We often take photos at car shows this could be between 50 and 800 photos. I used to be able to upload them in one go, but now due to Javascript blocking or sometihng, the bulk upload dosn't work.

So I have created a trial of VB5, and I can upload many photos at once, but its not in an album as such, but its do-able.

If I'm going to upgrade, should I go VB5, or Xenforo, can both upgrade from what I have keeping all CMS and threads? I have over 10k photos from many different users, so this would be a pain to re-upload.

The other thing is that I have many Dragonbyte addons for VB4, can come of these be used on the new forum without re-purchasing?
Under no circumstances should you switch to vB5. It is not supported by third parties, and it is not recommended to use if you are interested in customising your site.

I don't know how media images would be ported from vB4 to the XFMG, this is something you should ask over @ XenForo.com :)
As for the CMS, I don't believe there's a direct alternative, but the XF importer should give you the option of posting CMS articles as threads. I couldn't tell you for sure, as I have not upgraded a site where the CMS was actually used.

Normally there's a surcharge connected to switching from vB to XF but given you are one of our oldest customers I'd be happy to waive that in this case :)
Thanks Fillip, it sounds like XenForo is the way forward. I'll try out the demo. Thanks for the offer of the plugin switching. I'm only 44, may not be the oldest, but thanks for the compliment :D I guess CMS as threads will work fine for our site. I'll do some more investigation, it feels like I'm going in the fight direction with Xenforo.
The demo of XenForo is going well, i can upload 100 photos at once into a gallery, would be nice if that was more, but that is workable.

I'll post that question on XenForo to see how the images port over. I'm getting close to purchase it to install on the subdomain to test with imported data, once our members can use it I'll get feed back on weather to swap over. Of course I'll need to convince them as i would have already brought it by that point.
The demo of XenForo is going well, i can upload 100 photos at once into a gallery, would be nice if that was more, but that is workable.

I'll post that question on XenForo to see how the images port over. I'm getting close to purchase it to install on the subdomain to test with imported data, once our members can use it I'll get feed back on weather to swap over. Of course I'll need to convince them as i would have already brought it by that point.
Sounds good, I don't think you'll regret it :D

I received a lot of positive feedback both here and on another site I help administer after switching to XF2. The new options as well as full emoji support was pretty exciting for users.
Thanks for all the info. Well i have purchase Xenforo now, and have it running on a sub-domain to check our users are happy with that as a way forward. Responses so far are positive.
I'm planning to do the official switch on Tuesday evening.

Normally there's a surcharge connected to switching from vB to XF but given you are one of our oldest customers I'd be happy to waive that in this case :)
Yes thanks, that sounds good. I'll be installing all the plugins that I have in VB that are available for XF.