Legacy UK Locations - County

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Em Kay

New member
I haven't really delved into it as my county (city) was found in the list, but several people have said it looks like the list is by council and not by county, which affects some of them, ie one is really in county A but county D is the closest in the list to being accurate.

Does that make sense? I tagged you on POTV for one of them.
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This is beyond the scope of the mod. We pulled some available data for the two of the countries (i.e. US and UK), but if you need to reorganize how those counties work, that needs to be something done by the admins of each site, which is why it's possible to add or change the 'states' or county. The list of applicable locations/etc will change over time. Since I first created that list of counties, South Sudan has been created and Crimea has gone to Russia... and goodness knows how many other boundary changes have been made to counties, etc... :D

The idea was to create a basic list that might help admins get started quickly, or see how it works so they can adapt it to their individual needs. Does that make sense?
Glad you're sorted. I'll look at creating a way of bulk adding states in v2... as I can imagine it's not the easiest method out there doing it one at a time... :D
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