Legacy Transaction history bit additional column

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I think this will be easier to be done by dbtech coder. Just to add two more columns in transaction history bit "paid by" and "paid to" as below screenshot. or combined paid to/by and clickable members name.


Also it would be more convenient if can set usergroup based permission, who can see these two options.
Optional can be added as below:
http://www.domain.com/credits.php?do=findpaidto&u=3816 (will be showing the log of all "paid to" by the member wolfbd)
http://www.domain.com/credits.php?do=findpaidby&u=3816 (will be showing the log of all "paid by" to this member wolfbd)

2nd feature:
Charged content can be loaded upon clicking "Ajax thank you or vbseo like button or dbtech thank you"

I am sure many will appreciate this.

Thank you.
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