Pending Time of Day Setting for Email


I realise that the user can set the frequency of the emails but the board admin should have finer control over the time of day of Digest and Newsletter blasts.

Please add the option to specify a target time to start sending emails as that's actually very important for top of inbox marketing.
Upvote 1
Hello @ichpen,

Thank you for your suggestion for DragonByte Mail. Your request will be reviewed by a member of our team shortly.

Unless there are any problems preventing these features from being added to the product, this thread will not receive another reply until it is time to review logged feature requests for implementation.

We appreciate you taking the time to help us improve our products!

- DragonByte Tech Staff
I realise that the user can set the frequency of the emails but the board admin should have finer control over the time of day of Digest and Newsletter blasts.

Please add the option to specify a target time to start sending emails as that's actually very important for top of inbox marketing.

I agree. There are 2 important decision each admin hasto make:

1. Time & day when he wants to send the Newsletter out because of activity response in the past. Each forum is different in this. Some forums have a lot higher interaction when you send the newsletter on a week-end, others are better on fridays or mondays etc. So each on his own. Only the admin can decide what is best for his own forum.

2. Next to point #1 are restrictions depending on email traffic on your server or other canpaigns which rely on that newsletter. Ony the admin knows what is best for him
Waa 2 years almost.

Yep pretty fundamental feature for any email marketing tool. I know for a fact most of my digests are wasted as they're dispatched at midnight and subsequently buried. I would even take a manual button to blast digests that I will forget to press over a midnight job.

It's a shame but maybe this will get addressed.
So let's hope that these suggestion get finally implemented. If individual throtteling would be implemented, I would buy at least 2 mail addons immediately, maybe even 4.
I will need to finish up the Digest rework before this can be looked at. Remember: Upvotes matter more than replies :)