Legacy suggestion: change 0 to 00

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See picture below...


When you click on 10 stars, everythings jumps a little bit to the left because you have clicked on the 10 stars...
This is just my opinion... But what I personally do, is I read on what I have to vote & then see in my mind how much stars for each thing, and then I want to fast click on every thing. but when I press 10 stars, it messes things up for me, because the following things are jumping 1 space (= also 1 star) to the left...

I hope you know what I mean...

with changing 0 into 00 could change that from happening... (I know, 00 doesn't look as nice as just 0 ...)
(or if you find something else to "fix" this "problem", that also good...)

Friendly greetings,
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I'm going to go back to tables for the layout on the inside of the css container. I'll be able to adjust the numbers to the right easier and keep it from jumping around :)
I'm going to go back to tables for the layout on the inside of the css container. I'll be able to adjust the numbers to the right easier and keep it from jumping around :)

ps: also notice that the stars for Q5 aren't aligned with Q5 but between Q4 & Q5 (but I think you knew that one already...) Just trying to help ;)
ps: also notice that the stars for Q5 aren't aligned with Q5 but between Q4 & Q5 (but I think you knew that one already...) Just trying to help ;)

It depends on your zoom, which is part of why I'm going to back to tables. I don't have zoom on and it's lined up just right. Will be easier to control the spacing that way.
It depends on your zoom, which is part of why I'm going to back to tables. I don't have zoom on and it's lined up just right. Will be easier to control the spacing that way.

Don't know what you mean with that,
but whatever I do (pressing Ctrl + MouseWheelUp or Down), it +- stays the same for me... (but that could be just my pc being weird... like I have a lot... Things I see that others don't see etc...)
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