Legacy Strip img code from the thread preview

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All bbcodes should currently be getting stripped out of the preview. Are you seeing otherwise?

Brad via Tapatalk
The current way it strips bbcode is just a default vB function. I will look into it if I can define specific bbcodes to strip completely. Originally, I had it strip the contents inside any bbcode tags, but that really screwed up the contents, as words that were bold/italics, or mentions, or any other text inside the bbcode was completely removed.
Here is some code I'm using to deal with a similar situation with my thread previews:

// Replace Links - Long links leave us with messed up tables
					        $links_find = array(
					        $links_replace = array(

$thread['preview'] = preg_replace($links_find,$links_replace,$thread['preview']);

...I'm not a coder, but I stayed at a holiday inn express last night ;)
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