Shoutbox: Disable Chat; Supress Some Tabs and Not Others


New member
A Few questions:

1.) Is it possible in either the Lite or Pro versions to disable Chat?

2.) Of the Shoutbox tabs here at Dragonbyte-tech:

a.) Shoutbox
b.) Active Users
c.) Notifications
d.) System Messages
e.) User tags it possible to suppress any of them? For instance, if we wanted to show just two tabs and not show the other three?

3.) The lite version shows just the following tabs:

a.) Shoutbox
b.) Active Users
C.) User tags

The pro version shows all 5 as above?

4.) Would it be possible to set the shoutbox in a footer or header? So that it is displayed globally, or nearly globally?


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1.) Is it possible in either the Lite or Pro versions to disable Chat?
It is not possible to disable shouting without changing the usergroup permissions, no.

2.) Of the Shoutbox tabs here at Dragonbyte-tech:

a.) Shoutbox
b.) Active Users
c.) Notifications
d.) System Messages
e.) User tags it possible to suppress any of them? For instance, if we wanted to show just two tabs and not show the other three?
Yeah, the Pro version has options to hide those tabs.

3.) The lite version shows just the following tabs:

a.) Shoutbox
b.) Active Users
C.) User tags

The pro version shows all 5 as above?
Yes :)

4.) Would it be possible to set the shoutbox in a footer or header? So that it is displayed globally, or nearly globally?
That's already possible in the Lite version by going into Instance Management and following the instructions in the Deployment options :)