Legacy Select picture to display (cms)

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In actual release, the slider display the first image in the article.
I'd like if i could select the picture to display (first, second, third) in the slider.
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Since the slider operates dynamically (pulling the most recent thread/articles/blogs, etc), there really isn't a good way to try to accomplish this. With that said, here are a couple ideas...

To do it right now, create a custom content type for the particular article you are talking about, using the desired image, and linking back to that article.

As a possible future option I've been contemplating, creating a custom IMG BBCode which could be used for the desired image, and then have a setting to search for that specific BBCode, and if not found, default to either the ATTACH or IMG tags instead.

Brad via Tapatalk
Another idea is to get as first picture, a jpg picture (or another one)
Why i say that?
i make an example for my site:
in preview article (shown in home) i want to display an image (default game image... 200x200 pixels with transparency).
After i put a screenshot (that i can see in slider).
So if i user as first image a png (and the cms get this first) and after i can use a jpg file to display in the slider.
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