Legacy See Dislikes for additional usergroups

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On my board the dislikes cannot be seen except by contributors. The problem is that in order for this to work I can't have any contributor in more than one usergroup. So for example if I wanted to add a moderator to the contributor's usergroup they would not be able to see the dislikes because they belong to more than one usergroup.

I don't know if it's possible but in a future release could you make it so that a member in a usergroup that can see dislikes will still be able to see it regardless of any additional usergroup they are in.
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Changing that would create additional confusion for users, as we'd have a "cannot see button clicks" alongside a "can see button clicks" permission.

Both systems have upsides and downsides, as different setups run into different problems with each system.
I see. Oh well, just thought I'd ask if anything could do done to accommodate boards that use additional usergroups. I thought it would be a popular request.
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