Question Problem with font color

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New member
I'm having this problem where everyone's font color is the same for me, despite other members using different colors. Other members can see the other colors, and if I log out personally, I can see the different colors members are using. I don't know if its a setting on the site I need to change or if its a possible Google Chrome issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Oh, sorry I didn't notice you were using the Lite version, my bad! Still getting used to the way things work after our move to XF2!

This is a limitation of the Lite version, it's intended to work like this.
Oh, sorry I didn't notice you were using the Lite version, my bad! Still getting used to the way things work after our move to XF2!

This is a limitation of the Lite version, it's intended to work like this.
I'm not understanding this. Everyone using the shoutbox can see the other members shout colors and their respective color. I can only see the color I have selected. If I change the shout color to blue, everyone's color is blue. How is this working for everyone else but me?
If they haven't selected a colour then they will still see the colours others selected. If they select a colour themselves, it will override any selections made by others.
Just to be clear; this limitation only exists in the free Lite version. The Pro version has the preference I referenced earlier to control this behaviour (default is off, so you see everyone else's colours as they set them).
I just had my members change their colors, and their still seeing the different font colors from other members. This problem is only affecting me. I'm also not the only admin. So it's not an admin problem.
Also, I just created a new account because a member suggested it, and that account is not having this problem.
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