Photopost 8.4 to Gallery

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Having upgraded my forum today to 4.2.3 and to the latest thank you addon from you I had something creating a massive error log which turned out to be Photopost 8.4... even after I disabled it it created a smaller error file until I renamed a file and so far seems OK...

So, I am going to buy the advanced user tagging as well, but now need a gallery....

Can I import all my Photopost 8.4 files/images into Dragonbyte Gallery?

If so I will buy that at the same time

I did post in the gallery forum incorrectly so please delete this thread :)

I'm not 100% sure what versions of PP the importer supports, but I do believe it exists in the free version as well so you can test it :)
I will give the free version a try... Does the import happen automatically or do I have to do it via the admincp?

Dud to errors I have had to disable the Photopost so if automatic on installation I will need to reactivate Photopost :)

Is it a simple process to upgrade to the full version if I decide to keep it?
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You would simply download the Pro version, re-upload the files and re-import the XML. No need to uninstall, uninstalling would cause data loss.
You would simply download the Pro version, re-upload the files and re-import the XML. No need to uninstall, uninstalling would cause data loss.

Thank you, I will give it a try :)

Does the import script run when you install the addon or do I have to do this via the admincp?

Sorry one more question...

When it imports the images from Photopost does it move the images from the current location into a new Dragonbyte gallery location? so I can then delete the old photopost files :)

OK, installed the free version on my test site and the import from Photopost seems to have worked..... :)

One issue which I think may be down to me....

When I click "Gallery" now on the navigation bar it takes be to a blank screen... no images appear until I click "next" how do I get images on this first page? also there are no catagories shown and the text is white so you can't see it....

I suspect this is just a "set up" issue :)

Check the per instance and per category usergroup permissions, I believe both of them have individual permission settings.
Ok, couple of small issues I would like to fix before I purchase :)

1. Do you know how I change the text colour ... the word category is white so blends in with the scheme background..

Plus just found an error log... with two errors..

1. PHP Warning: imagedestroy() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /home/xxxxx/public_html/testvb/forum/dbtech/gallery/includes/class_core.php on line 2227

2. PHP Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/xxxxx/public_html/testvb/forum/includes/adminfunctions_options.php on line 1032

Any idea how to fix these issues? I can then get the full version ordered :)
Update.... cleared the error codes earlier and not used the test site...

Just logged in visited the gallery and found a log appeared 4 lines same to php files/line numbers....

[16-Apr-2017 17:44:18 UTC] PHP Warning: imagedestroy() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /home/xxxxx/public_html/testvb/forum/dbtech/gallery/includes/class_core.php on line 2226
[16-Apr-2017 17:44:18 UTC] PHP Warning: imagedestroy() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/testvb/forum/dbtech/gallery/includes/class_core.php on line 2227

I did notice that the upload directory/sub directories was not chmod 777 so I am just doing that, not sure of that would cause these error...

I think this may be linked to the "my profile" and "add new album" link in the navigation options....

I clicked on all the links one at a time, after each click I checked the FTP to see if an error log appeared, it only appeared AFTER I clicked "my profile" and when I tried to create a new album and I have tried clicking all the links, i.e upload, main. add album etc :) does that help...

All other links apart from these two do not appear to create the error log.

I am convinced now that this is a fantastic replacement for the Photopost gallery which no longer works with vB 4.2.3 so Once I fix these two small/minor issues I will order the pro version for my live site :)

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Sorry to be a pain, anyone help with the above issues? I want to get the pro version ordered and installed but I would like to sort the text colour and errors relating to the two links first. :)
Can you show me what's on those lines in that file, since the Lite version is different for each user, the line numbers won't match what I have locally.
Can you show me what's on those lines in that file, since the Lite version is different for each user, the line numbers won't match what I have locally.

Thank you :) I opened the file in an PHP editor and it shows these lines



As i say when testing I clicked on all the navigation links and the only two to create the error log were My profile and add new album :)
I've pushed a hotfix to v1.3.4 that should resolve this issue, can you please try re-downloading the product and re-uploading that file?
Fantastic.... I have just clicked on my profile a couple of times and added a new gallery and no error log has been created :) looks to be perfect now...

I presume the "Pro" version will be fixed as well?

I really appreciate the excellent support...

Last thing, do you know were I change the text colour? looked everywhere and cant find it... :(

Can you link me to where the gallery is @ your site so I can see this in action? Can't say I've ever seen that problem before...
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