Percentages are Determined How / Where? What Actions are Taken Into Account?


New member
Part of everyone's Activity are the following types of ratio:

Lv. Percent

Daily Activity

Weekly Activity

Monthly Activity

How / where are the benchmarks set?

And, how does one interpret the percents? If a user's Monthly Activity is 7.16%... how is that determined? Put another way: is there any place where users can know which actions are taken into account to raise one's percentage level?

LV percent is how close you are to a new level. The other bars compare your score to a pre-set average (The average takes the points gathered, and divides it by the number of users who gathered them. Admins set how much points users get for actions etc. You can also set a lower limit - e.g a user has to have at least 20 points in a week for his score to be counted in the average - this prevents things such as inactive users getting points for days registered messing with your targets)

The average updates itself automatically using the criteria you set =)

Thanks for replying!

You wrote "The other bars compare your score to a pre-set average ...". Please can you tell me where those averages are set? Is the defining of these averages part of vBulletin's default instalation, or a function of the Dragonbyte plugins?

In VBA you set the points you wish to give for everything.

After this you set what you want the minimum point per week to be counted is, lets say it's 10

If 100 of your users get over 10 points, then vbactivity will add all of those points together, and divide by 100. The result will be the average =)
Hi Cosmic!

Thanks for your reply!! :)

You wrote "After this you set what you want the minimum point per week to be counted is, lets say it's 10." Please can you tel me where that is set?
