Legacy Paid Subscription Item Type

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Just wondering how hard it would be to add paid subscriptions as an item type for the shop with an option of being also able to set the time frame for the sub also.

Say UserA buys PaidSubA for 2000 points. We only want him to have the sub for X days. After UserA's purchase with points, vbshop adds the paid sub for the listed time frame. After X days, vbshop removes PaidSubA.

Do you kinda get what I'm saying? I am very interested in this but my coding knowledge is very limited. Would be willing to pay $ for this custom item type script.
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If I remember correctly, our original product payment system did something sort of similar. We'll consider it for future versions :)

it's definitely not something I can just whip together in a day though - but if you're serious about needing it urgently, you can PM Cosmic with the relevant information and he'll get back to you. Keep in mind that he's on a sabbatical atm, so his response time may not be instant :)
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