Is there a schedule for...

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product updates? I know obviously you may not have hard dates for releases, and I know what wll be in the updates changes. I just mean a general "whe we can reasonbly expect updates" sort of thing?

It would be pretty useful to know that. Like I said I know it changes and can vary greatly, just curious.
product updates? I know obviously you may not have hard dates for releases, and I know what wll be in the updates changes. I just mean a general "whe we can reasonbly expect updates" sort of thing?

It would be pretty useful to know that. Like I said I know it changes and can vary greatly, just curious.

Best bet is to read the blogs, as a general rule I pop in what each coder is working on at the moment in there, which gives a decent idea.

We can't do longer term ones thanks to what i like to call the DBTech Chaos Theory =P. The smallest event can completely alter the entire schedule, and the further out you get from, say, tomorrow, the more likely the prediction is to be wrong xD
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