Bug imported 202 downloads and cannot import anymore ?

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I imported 202 files into a category and now cannot seem to import any more. Would someone be able to take a look at this for me?

Can you please be more specific as to what you mean when you say "cannot import any more"? Do you get an error messages? What is the output on the screen when it's looking for the rest of your downloads?

I untick the skip filename box and pick a category and press submit and it just goes back to the downloads.php?do=import page.

No new files are shown in the download category, there are no errors or anything.
Possible reasons for why that could happen:
  • The file isn't readable
  • The file extension is not added to the system
  • A category wasn't selected
Hi there,

The strange thing is i can remove another file then the one I wanted to upload suddenly is able to be added. Would this be something you could take a look at if I set-up an account?
Last edited:
Can you check the value of the max_input_vars in php.ini? If that's set too low (1000 or less) then this could be the issue. You should make sure this value is 100000 or higher.
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Legacy vBDownloads

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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