Bug Hash does not work inside bbcode or format codes

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We just found that the hashtag does not work inside the bbcode or if the total contents are formatted with bbcode such as
[size] etc.

Please help us to make it work in all the ways with formatting or without.​
This is working as intended. Hash tags are not intended to work when nested within BBCode.
This is working as intended. Hash tags are not intended to work when nested within BBCode.
If you say this is working as intended, then the hash tag should work even within formatted texts example [size]#Hashtag[/ size].

Otherwise really it is useless for forum as we have more than 10,000 members active and we need to teach them individually not to put the # inside any format area.
It's working as intended because we intended it for it NOT to work inside formatted text.

To put it into perspective, we received weekly support tickets about text being incorrectly converted to hash tags before we made this change. As far as I can remember, you are the first person to report this as a bug.
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Legacy Advanced User Tagging

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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