Question Google pushing HTTPS Higher - Best solution?

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Hello :)

So I read this News Article:
Google is pushing sites that use HTTPS higher in its search results - Neowin

Just wondering, what's the best solution to this? At the moment my DBSEO setup always redirects to http:// (though using Cloudflare, we do have HTTPS). I'm guessing I could change a setting somewhere to switch that over, but does anyone know what the likely impact is on SEO with all the inbound links, page ranking etc etc?

An interesting idea, even if its a minor boost it's still a boost. Just want to make sure any best guidance is followed!

HTTPS is a major drain on performance. We tried it on our site, and it more than trebled the loading time for each page. For this reason, we cannot recommend switching your forum to HTTPS at this time.
many big forums use SSL, my forum for example and many many many others.

PS: I do have SPDY and i think it is faster than many other websites without ssl.
Personally, I'd like to think instead of just setting this thread to answered and leaving it to die just because in some hosting enviroments it's not as fast as speedy isnt great to be honest :(

A lot of big sites and forums use Cloudflare anyways that offers SSL and SPDY so the impact of SSL would be non-existent for example. Others use different webservers where the SSL overhead espically with SPDY isnt much at all.

I think seems we're all using DBSEO to increase search engine rankings, we should all be interested in any way to further increase search engine rankings. If by using SSL we get a free boost from Google surely that's worth exploring more?

Just my two cent's, of course feel free to disagree.
DBSEO does support SSL, though. It will use whatever you set in the "Forum URL" setting in the default vBulletin "Site URL" vBOptions page.
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