Bug Goal meter display in sidebar?

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I read the documentation and it says 'The Goal Meter can be made to appear as a block in the main forum areas, or as a block in the sidebar of the forum. '

My question is, how do I make it appear as a block in the sidebar?

I looked in the settings and I couldn't figure out. When I look in the sidebar blocks I only have the highest donations or the latest donations available, not the goal meter too.

I am assuming it should be in vBDonate - Donation Bar Settings - Show Donation Bar On. I have index and vbdonate there, but what would I write for it to show as a block in the sidebar?

Thank you, great mod!
I believe there should be a new addition in the "Forum Blocks" page that you can use :)
No, there isn't. When I look in the Forum blocks - sidebar blocks I only have the highest donations or the latest donations available, not the goal meter too.
I see there's also a setting to turn the goal meter on, that might have something to do with it.
I have turned the meter on, but I don't want it on top of every page. I recall on an old forum I had the same issue and Mokonzi had to login to my Admin account to be able to fix it, as he said it was something to do with the mod.
Look in:
DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - SideBlock Settings

Then check:
Enable Forum Sideblock? (Enabled)

The finally:
Show Contribution Goal Meter On Side Block? (Enabled)

I think that should be it. Remember settings for usergroups is important too. Make sure they can see the donation system, otherwise you might have issues.

If that doesn't work, send me an Admin Login and I'll take a look Monday (I'm out of town until then).
I've took a look and the obvious settings seem to be in place.

However, you don't have the latest patched version installed. Download and reinstall and then we can see if that helps or not. It might look like the same version initially, but it adds more date options than you currently have.
Also, it doesn't look like you've given me full access as an Admin which means I can't see the forum side blocks section in the AdminCP. I'll need that as well to check what's happening.
Thanks a lot for the link! Though as I checked I had the very same version installed :) Anyway, I re-downloaded, re-uploaded and reimported the XML again :)

Anyway, sent Mokonzi new admin access in PM :)
I'll take a look as soon as I can. The version will look the same, but we patched it to add extra months for the dates needed.
All sorted. You had the block disabled, once enabled and the above settings were in place, it adds the bar to the donation siedblock.

Hope that helps. Also reset the date for you to countdown correctly. :)
Thanks a lot, the sidebar is working now! Now I have another issue. Members donated, I got the confirmation in Paypal, but they don't appear in the list of contributors and I see no way to confirm their transaction. I also get no PM or anything that a contribution was placed.
I've sent you a link to the area where unconfirmed donations are arriving. You need to manually confirm them.
Hello @vBulletin lover,

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
One more question. Sometimes, when a user donates, the amount is set to 0. I edit it in order to display the correct amount, but then the date of the donation is automatically set to 01.01.1970 and their donation is not calculated towards the total donation of the current month. Is there a way to fix this?
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Legacy vBDonate

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