Legacy Every mailing list to have it's own direct link

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This is excellent mod, I checked it a bit, it offers really great possibilities, even that we could enable our users to have their own mailing lists and send emails to subscribed users. We could for example sell this privilege, or just give this ability to whom ever we want.

We could even choose that some users are already subscribed to this mailing lists. In most cases it wouldn't be prudent. So users who have their mailing lists need to advertise in some way their mailing lists.

But, users couldn't easily give direct link to their mailing lists. It would greatly help them if they could give direct link and say: If you want to follow what I'm talking (selling, promoting...) about, follow my mailing list.

We too could use this.

We could create special mailing lists for certain aspects of our communities we consider optional, but still want to be able to promote them. So we could give direct link and say that they subscribe to this or that mailing list.

It similar to keywords, but more direct.
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vBMail currently doesn't have a "More Info" page for mailing lists, we'll look into it for a future version :)
Yes, I know, but it could be useful and if you combine some of my other suggestions (more front end options) you could make really nice and useful mailing list's info page.
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