Creating a custom VBulletin Login

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I was looking into purchasing one of your products, although I don't know if it is what I need. Ill start with what i'm looking for from my VBulletin service. I work for a general contractor and I need a place where my clients can see data specifically pertaining to them. I need custom logins that are only able to view specific threads.

For example, ClientABC is remodeling his home and wants to see information such as pictures, updates, etc. I want to give ClientABC a login so he can see a thread ONLY pertaining to him. Meanwhile ClientXYZ is remodeling his business and wants to see pictures, updates, etc. When either client logs into our VBulletin, I want them to only be able to see the thread pertaining to them.

I hope I was specific enough, if you have any questions, dont hesitate to contact me. Thanks

My advice would be to use separate forums for the separate threads, and use the vBulletin usergroup permissions system to control access to each forum.
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